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  1. Care Homes

    Find out more information about how we work with care homes in Wales

  2. NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC)

    NHS continuing healthcare is a free package of care for people who have significant ongoing healthcare needs. It is arranged and funded by the NHS.

  3. Safe to be me - Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services - A resource pack for professionals.pdf

    needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services A resource pack for professionals 2 Foreword ‘The staff in the home very rarely gave us any time alone together ... environment where people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT) can feel safe and accepted for who they are. This resource builds on and consolidates over a decade of pioneering work within Age

  4. Advance care planning

    We're campaigning to help people with their advance care planning

  5. Care Home Volunteer Toolkit

    Our care home toolkit is a resource available to care homes about recruitment, training and supporting volunteers and care homes

  6. Tell me more - care home resident engagement project

    funded by Welsh Government is all about reaching into care home settings and hearing from the residents so they can share their experiences and hopes for the future.

  7. Arts in Care Homes

    Age Cymru champion arts and creativity in care homes, and can support care homes, their staff and residents in a number of ways.

  8. How to find the help you need at home

    Types of care support

  9. Problems with a care home

    The majority of care homes are very well run and provide excellent care - however, occasionally you might be unhappy about the care home. Here's how to go about complaining.

  10. Support for Mortgage Interest

    Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) is a benefit for homeowners which helps pay towards the interest on a mortgage or home improvement loans. The benefit will be replaced by a loan in 2018. Find out more

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