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  1. How to adjust to living alone

    because you’ve recently separated from your partner, you may find yourself living alone. But with a little help, living alone is something that most of us can adapt to.

  2. Culture Club

    Vale of Glamorgan to build confidence, make new friends, and to enjoy our many cultural sites, with the help of a friendly volunteer.

  3. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    receives it and how much is it worth today? The WFP is a one-off annual payment that provides help with the cost of energy bills for pensioner households. It is currently a UK payment but responsibility for ... £300 aged 80 or over. Is it likely to cost more or less in future? Next winter 2015/16 it is forecast that 12.3 million people in the UK will receive the WFP at a cost of £2.1 billionii. This is expected

  4. Problems with a care home

    There could be a number of reasons why you might be unhappy with the care home that either you live in or your friend or relative lives in. You may be concerned about things such as cleanliness of the ... in Wales If there are any concerns about abuse and/or neglect, our factsheet on this topic may be helpful: Factsheet 78w: Safeguarding older people in Wales from abuse and neglect For more information

  5. age-cymru-advice-how-can-we-help-booklet---welsh.pdf

    Cyngor Age Cymru: Sut allwn ni helpu? Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Age Cymru ydym ni. Age Cymru yw’r elusen arweiniol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Rydym yn ymgyrchu, ymchwilio achodi arian, i sicrhau ein bod yn creu bywyd gwell i bobl hŷn. Rydym yn sicrhau bod lleisiau pobl hŷn yn cael eu clywed, rydym yn herio ac yn newid agweddau, rydym yn brwydro yn erbyn gwahaniaethu lle bynnag y daw i’n

  6. Help us tackle loneliness

    Cadbury is joining forces with Age UK to fight loneliness We’re proud that Age UK is working with Cadbury to help draw attention to the 225,000 older people who often go a whole week without speaking to ... forgotten. Age UK and Cadbury have joined forces to do something about it. And we need your help. Age Cymru, along with our sister charities in Northern Ireland and Scotland, are also getting behind the campaign

  7. Cost of caring for an ageing population - January 2018.pdf

    1 Consultation Response The Cost of Caring for an Ageing Population Finance Committee January 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all ... importance to them. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Finance Committee’s Inquiry into the Cost of Caring for an Ageing Population. We would like to make the following comments in relation to

  8. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    How much would it cost to meet the unmet social care needs of older people in England? - Iparraguirre Page 1 How much would it cost to meet the unmet social care needs of older people in England? Prof ... older people with difficulty in carrying out activities of daily living (Age UK, 2014). This note explains how we arrived to an estimate of how much money it would cost local authorities with adult social

  9. age-cymru-advice-how-can-we-help-booklet---english.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? Creating an age friendly Wales We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the leading charity for all older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure ... additional or more specialised support. 3 Age Cymru Advice Free publications Age Cymru, in partnership with Age UK, produces a range of free information guides and factsheets that provide useful advice on issues

  10. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form.pdf

    hospital stay IG07 Advice for carers IG13 Bladder and bowel problems IG15 Caring for someone with dementia IG47 Living with early-stage dementia IG48 Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity Avoiding slips, trips ... wellbeing: Preventative measures Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? (bilingual guide) AC0001 Age Cymru Advice business cards (bilingual - two sided) AC0002 Age Cymru

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