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  1. Public health approach to gender based violence - Age Cymru consultation response April 2023.pdf

    1 Public health approach to preventing gender-based violence Equality and Social Justice Committee Consultation response April 2023 Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of ... Improving public responses to assist in preventing gender based violence Central to an effective public health approach to preventing and reducing gender based violence is the implementation of interventions

  2. Age Cymru response to 6th Senedd Health and Social Care priorities September 2021.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response – 6 Senedd priorities for health and social care 17th September 2021 Q1. Which of the issues listed above do you think should be a priority, and why? Each area included ... priorities require considerable resourcing and attention in order to realise the improvements needed in health and social care over the term of the 6th Senedd. However, there are some specific details within

  3. Health services and the NHS policy statement - February 2019.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Health Services and the NHS February 2019 Summary- Older people are the main adult users of most health and care services. The population in Wales has the highest proportion ... illness and injury, and communicable disease. Although the NHS has been evolving to meet changing health needs for some time, there is an urgent need to increase the pace and scale of service transformation

  4. Age Cymru evidence to Health and Social Care Commitee open ended consultation September 2022.pdf

    1 Response to the ‘Impact of COVID-19 pandemic and its management on health and social care in Wales’ consultation 8th September 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve ... place. Feedback from older people we engage with through our work tells us, particularly regarding health and social care services, that they feel increasingly out of control of decisions in their lives

  5. Feeling well is not just about being physically fit and healthy - it's equally important to your overall health that you feel good mentally.

    well is not just about being physically fit and healthy – it’s equally important to your overall health that you feel good mentally.

  6. Assistive technology

    Telecare and telehealth can help us live independently and stay in control of our own health and wellbeing.

  7. CRS_Dec14_Health_select_committee_inquiry_end_of_life_care.pdf

    Health select committee inquiry End of life care Ref: 2914 Date: December 2014 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research ... people are not able to plan properly or encouraged to discuss decisions about their future care. The health and care system is then typically in a reactive mode so that changes in someone’s wellbeing are dealt

  8. CRS_Aug15_Dementia_Supporting_people_with_dementia_and_carers_in_health_social_care.pdf

    Dementia: Supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care Consultation on draft scope of NICE clinical guideline (CG42) Ref: 1715 Date: August 2015 All rights reserved ... National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is in the process of updating its existing clinical guideline on ‘dementia: supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care’

  9. Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care in Wales - April 2017.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care in Wales Written evidence submitted by Age Cymru April 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working ... to the Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care in Wales. Age Cymru believes that all older people, wherever they live, should have free and fair access to health and care services that maintain

  10. Health interventions and preventative services policy statement - May 2018.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Health interventions and preventative services May 2018 Summary Staying well, feeling good and remaining as independent as possible are of vital importance to everyone in ... maintaining and improving their health and independence. Opportunities for healthy living should be increased and barriers removed, particularly for disadvantaged older people. Public health messages must be reviewed

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