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  1. Fuel Poverty policy statement - November 2021.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Fuel poverty November 2021 Summary Fuel poverty estimates for Wales, based on 2018 data, report that 155,000 households in Wales were living in fuel poverty. ... implements its Cold weather resilience plan. The level of the energy price cap increased on 1 October 2021. Higher energy costs are challenging for consumers, and the timing and size of this increase will

  2. Age Cymru Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 FINAL W.pdf

    Arolwg Eiriolaeth yn ystod Coronafeirws 2021 Creating an age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Arolwg Eiriolaeth yn ystod Coronafeirws 2021 2 Ym mis Mehefin 2020, cynhaliwyd arolwg o eiriolwyr ... hygyrchedd ac ansawdd eiriolaeth, a darpariaeth eiriolaeth gan wasanaethau. Ceisiodd yr arolwg yn 2021 ddeall beth oedd wedi newid yn ystod y flwyddyn yn y cyfamser, yr heriau presennol, a beth wnaeth

  3. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response – LGBTQ+ Action Plan October 2021 1. Do you think the Action Plan will increase equality for LGBTQ+ people and what do you think the priorities should be? Age Cymru ... address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2021.

  4. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response – Health and Social Care workforce October 2021 Age Cymru welcomes the development of the workforce strategy for health and social care. This, along with other linked ... address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2021.

  5. Age Cymru Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 FINAL E.pdf

    Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 Creating an age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 2 In June 2020, a survey was carried out of advocates to gather ... the accessibility and quality of advocacy and on the ability of services to provide advocacy. The 2021 survey sought to understand what had changed over the intervening year, the present challenges and

  6. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    1 Manifesto 2021 Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections – a better later life for all older people Age Cymru’s vision is a Wales where everyone enjoys good health, lives safely, is free from ... (ii) Age Cymru advocacy Project (2021)(iii) Welsh Government (2019) Statistical Bulletin. National Survey for Wales, 2018-19. Internet use

  7. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021 (4).pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter Issue No 2 January 2021 Happy New Year to you all HOPE project news Staffing update The HOPE project has seen a couple of organisational changes recently. Deiniol Jones who started ... complete the HOPE project team and we’re now delighted to report that with effect from 11 January 2021 the final two roles have been filled and we welcome Briony and Janet. Our HOPE team is now complete

  8. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.docx

    after they have spoken to other adult advice services who have failed to meet their needs.During 2020/2021,Age Cymru Advice helped people to tackle 35,876 issues (more than double previousyears) supporting

  9. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    the high proportion of older carers in Wales and the essential contribution they make. In January 2021, we submitted a response to the consultation on the Carers National Plan, outlining some of the early

  10. Age Cymru response Rebalancing Care and Support Consultation 6th April 2021.pdf

    address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2021.

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