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  1. How to find the help you need at home

    your home Factsheet 67w: Home improvements and repairs for older people in Wales Direct payments are cash payments that local authorities can make to individuals so that they can organise their own services ... services on your behalf. Factsheet 24w: Direct payments for social care services in Wales Social Care Wales also has further information on direct payments Intermediate care and reablement are both likely

  2. How your benefits are means-tested

    are:  Pension Credit Housing Benefit The Council Tax Reduction Scheme Cold Weather Payment Some types of income are fully considered when assessing whether you’re eligible to claim a means-tested ... National Savings accounts and certificates (there are special rules for valuing these). Any lump sum payments you received from deferring your State Pension is not included as capital. Your income and capital

  3. State Pension

    The State Pension is a regular payment made to you by the government once you reach State Pension age. There are two types of State Pension and both are based on your previous National Insurance contribution ... a letter with your options and you will have the choice to claim or to defer and receive higher payments in the future instead. Read our Information Guide 53: State Pension Read our more detailed Factsheet

  4. Changes to the benefit system

    need to have been married or in a civil partnership with your partner to claim Bereavement Support Payment (BSP). If you have a child or children and were living with your partner when they died, then you ... and you may receive some backdated benefit. Find out more about Bereavement Support Payment Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has replaced Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for new claimants. Here’s how

  5. Spread the Warmth Myth-Busting leaflet.pdf

    Don’t leave yourself in the cold this winter Keep well and warm during the cold weather with our myth-busting tips. As well as a hat, wrapping a scarf around your neck and mouth can help to protect your health. Breathing in cold air raises the risk of chest infections and increases blood pressure. ‘A hat is all I need to keep warm on a winter’s day.’ ‘A warm bedroom is bad for my health.’ No.

  6. IPA and IAA handout.docx

    Independent Professional Advocacy and the Information, Advice & Assistance Service   Information, Advice and Assistance (IAA) and Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) both have key roles in the new approach to care and support. Staff working in IAA services may need to refer some people to an IPA service. What process should be followed to decide when a referral should be made?  The Social

  7. 2020 amendments WWU – English.pdf

    Page 16: In 2020-21, most people born on or before 5 October 1954 are entitled to the Winter Fuel Payment. • Page 17, 18, 19 & 24: The Speakeasy Energy Advice service is no longer available. • Page 18:

  8. How to find a good tradesperson

    go wrong. Agree any stage and final payments before work starts. Don’t make advance payments Only pay for work that has been done and don’t pay by advance payments. However, where materials need to be

  9. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking_infographic.pdf

    including at the time of a suspect transaction. Use short payment delays to allow customers time to have ‘second thoughts’ about scam payments. Innovation in ID and security Age-friendly products Improved

  10. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    one organisation will be the lead partner and will receive the funds and be responsible for making payments to the other partners. In addition to the information requested above, we would also request a ... 2020 Confirmation email sent to local authorities By 21 September 2020 Grant payment 1 By end September 2020 Grant payment 2 By end December 2020 Monitoring schedule Interim report by 11 December 2020

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