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  1. WWU - English.pdf

    long life food items in the cupboard or freezer in case it’s too cold to go out shopping. You could also do your food shopping online and get it delivered to your door. Include a good range of foods in your ... strong enough for our bodies to make vitamin D, and it’s difficult to get the amount we need from food alone. You might want to speak to your GP or pharmacist to discuss taking a supplement to boost your

  2. RB_June13_Problem_debt_among_older_people.pdf

    borrowing by age group Credit makes it easier to plan finances 16-24 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 SOURCE: ILC-UK analysis of British Social Attitudes Survey 2008 Should be made harder to borrow money ... by age in 2010 0 Unsecured and secured debt No debtUnsecured debt only 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 Secured debt only 75-79 80-84 85-89 90+ SOURCE: ILC-UK analysis of English

  3. FS1w.pdf

    11 of 66 If you live in a newer property with cavity walls, you could save between £100 and £200 a year by insulating them (even more if your property is detached or semi-detached). If your ... Payment or Cold Weather Payment. If you use a prepayment meter, you will probably get a top-up voucher. Note: If you are considering switching, check whether the new supplier participates in the Warm

  4. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    paper-based payment option available. In Belgium, where cheques are no longer used, a state subsidised voucher system is provided. Cash also appears to be heavily used in most of the countries surveyed. One ... of this age group have no significant savings or investments.9 • Those over 65 account for over £100 billion of spending each year in the UK. 10 • The average (median) income for pensioners is £237

  5. MCR - SP Male case story.pdf

    Age at Work – case study guidance Older person Ideally this is 100 - 150 words summarising: • where the older person was before ( not employed/ employed /in need of support), • what they did with

  6. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2021-22 E FINAL.pdf

    age friendly Wales 147 volunteers active over the year 531 enquiries this year 2,121 volunteer hours 100% felt they received excellent or good support Volunteers Quality Performance Mark (QPM) achieved 114 ... 463 referrals received 114 people supported to find more appropriate services 565 issues dealt with 100% of people were responded to within 7 days 98% felt they had their voices heard 89% of people said

  7. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 WELSH.docx

    â dweudE4. Rwy’n perthyni’rystodoedran:50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100 neuhŷnE5. Rwy’n :Deurywiol Dyn HoywLesbiad /MerchHoywHeterorywiol Byddai’n wellgennyfbeidioArall,nodwch:â

  8. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Presentation.pdf

    organisations to recruit from local areas “We 100% need that role...someone responsible for getting inductions down, getting training done.” “I think we could have done 100 times more and better if we had had

  9. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    80 and £300 for people aged 80 or over.  People may receive the full amount or half the payment (£100/£150) depending on whether others in the household qualify.  For example a person aged 80 who lives ... least £100 a household.  Since 2003/04: they have been at least £200 for those under 80 and £300 aged 80 or over.  2008/09 to 2010/11 – there were additional payments of £50 for 69-79 and £100 for those

  10. IL5.pdf

    Is there a mix of female and male residents? n Food Do residents usually eat together, or can they choose to eat in their rooms? n Is there a choice of food and can you see sample menus? n How often does ... day or at night? n Is food prepared on the premises? n Can the home meet your relative’s dietary needs? n Can residents and visitors make their own drinks? n Can residents store food in their room? n Care

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