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  1. EnvisAGE16_ENG_web.pdf

    EnvisAGE A spotlight on the mental health and wellbeing of older people No. 16 2023/24 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Ceri Cryer, Age Cymru Page 5 Unequal access to and provision of mental health ... on a range of services and approaches that can help to improve mental wellbeing. In our opening article, Dr Lis Boulton from Age UK explores the barriers that older people may experience in accessing mental

  2. FS78w.pdf

    degrading treatment (article 3) and a right to enjoy private, family and home life without unjustified interference from public authorities (article 8). Serious abuse can be a violation of article 3. However ... potentially have been a “feature for most of their adult lives [and] an on-going problem for 20, 30, and 40 years or even longer”31 (as such, the Welsh Government has advised professionals that it should be

  3. FS9.pdf

    behaviour 33 13 Useful organisations 33 14 Further information about Age Cymru 40 14.1 Who we are 40 14.2 How we can help 40 14.3 How you can help 43 Factsheet 9w  November 2023 ... Factsheet 9w  November 2023 40 of 44 14 Further information about Age Cymru 14.1 Who we are Age Cymru is the national charity for

  4. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    The law in this area is very outdated and reform is very much needed. The Law Commission suggest that 40% of adults do not have a valid will when they die. The idea is to increase awareness of how to make ... modernise the law on wills and how the law could comply with article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Article 12 of the CRPD provides for the recognition that persons

  5. CRS_Oct17_WP_Committee_Pension_Freedoms.pdf

    decisions have to be put in a long-term context, and (potential) outcomes considered across a 20, 30, 40 or even 50 year time frame. While decisions taken in the new landscape’s early years are rightly being ... v

  6. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    by a person over retirement age. By 2033, this is expected to increase to 13 million; an increase of 40 per cent on figures for 2008.1 The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has projected ... cent ) did not consider housing to be a key component in the integration of health and social care.40 This perception must be challenged. Housing needs to be represented as part of the commissioning process

  7. Privacy Policy

    At Age Cymru, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

  8. Measuring a nation's progress - April 2019.pdf

    Labour market statistics December 2013. 3 Age Cymru (2013) EnvisAGE No.10. Active ageing in Wales. Article by Stephen McNair (NIACE) ‘How important is learning for older people?’ 3 Participants were asked

  9. envisage15_English.pdf

    age friendly WalesEnvis AGE A spotlight on employment and older people No. 15 2021/22 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Victoria Lloyd Page 4 Employment trends and challenges for our ageing workforce ... approaches that can help to support and improve the working lives of older people. In our opening article Dr Martin Hyde of Swansea University presents an overview of employment trends and challenges for

  10. envisage15_English.pdf

    age friendly WalesEnvis AGE A spotlight on employment and older people No. 15 2021/22 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Victoria Lloyd Page 4 Employment trends and challenges for our ageing workforce ... approaches that can help to support and improve the working lives of older people. In our opening article Dr Martin Hyde of Swansea University presents an overview of employment trends and challenges for

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