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  1. Insights_Report -Age_and_Dementia-Friendly_Gymnastics_Programme_Evaluation_Findings.pdf

    13 out of the 14 older people (93%) to be happier and more settled, 14 out of the 14 older people (100%) to be easier to connect with and 12 out of 14 older people (86%) to be socialising with other residents

  2. FS49.pdf

    benefit £200 £300 You live with someone under 80 who also qualifies £100 £200 You live with someone 80 or over who also qualifies £100 £150 You qualify and live with your partner and they receive PC or a ... Nil* You qualify, live in a care home and do not receive PC or a working age means-tested benefit £100 £150 * Your partner receiving PC or a working age means-tested benefit (Universal Credit (UC), income-based

  3. Coivd-19 Survey_v2.pdf

    50-54  55-59  60-64  65-69  70-74  75-79  80-84  85-89  90-94  95-99  100 or Over E5. I am:  Bisexual  Gay man  Lesbian/ Gay woman  Heterosexual  Prefer not to say

  4. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2022-23 ENGLISH.pdf

    age friendly Wales 183 volunteers active over the year 504 enquiries this year 2,867 volunteer hours 100% felt they received excellent or good support Volunteers Investing in Volunteers (Iiv) achieved 129 ... 470 referrals received 38 people supported to find more appropriate services 705 issues dealt with 100% of people were responded to within 7 days 97% felt they had their voices heard 83% of people said

  5. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2021-22 W FINAL.pdf

    gyfeillgar 147 o wirfoddolwyr yn weithgar dros y flwyddyn 531 o ymholiadau eleni 2,121 o oriau gwirfoddol 100% yn teimlo eu bod yn cael cymorth rhagorol neu dda Gwirfoddolwyr Cyflawnwyd Marc Ansawdd Perfformiad ... derbyn 114 o bobl wedi eu cefnogi i ddod o hyd i wasanaethau mwy priodol 565 o faterion wedi eu delio 100% o bobl wedi eu hymateb i o fewn 7 diwrnod 98% yn teimlo bod eu lleisiau wedi’u clywed 89% o bobl

  6. Summer Health Advice - how to protect yourself

    that have a CE mark, British Standard BS EN ISO 12312-1, UV400 label or a statement that they provide 100 per cent UV (ultraviolet A and B) protection Keeping your home cool When inside, try to stay in the

  7. Bereavement Support Payment

    lump sum payment of £2,500 followed by a further 18 monthly payments of £100. If you are responsible for a child under the age of 20, you could get a lump sum payment of £3

  8. The coronavirus vaccine (and booster doses)

    hold and we shouldn’t become unwell with the virus. It can’t be guaranteed that they are 100% effective in all situations, however , the vaccine should make it far less likely that you will be

  9. FS61w.pdf

    NHS dental treatment (in addition to your free check-ups which all over 60s are entitled to).  A voucher towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses.  Repayment of necessary travel costs to receive NHS ... you are unsure whether the particular referral will be eligible. Note: For more information about vouchers for glasses, travel costs and information on what you need to do to prove your entitlement to help

  10. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    responded were satisfied with their experience, with 32 out of the 40 respondents (80%) very satisfied  100% of respondents (41) would recommend Technology Together classes and events to a friend  Data not

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