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  1. Attendance Allowance

    doctor to visit. It’s a good idea to prepare for that visit by writing things down that you would want the doctor to know about. Step seven You will get a letter with the decision on whether or not you’ll

  2. Volunteer stories

    Cymru with their friends sessions. I heard of this and thought it was a really worthwhile cause and wanted to be involved. Remo I think it’s to do with my character, I’m a really sociable person

  3. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    Diogelwch Nwy • Pan fydd peiriannydd yn dod i’ch cartref, gofynnwch i gael gweld eu cerdyn Diogelwch Nwy (Gas Safe) a gwnewch nodyn o rif eu cerdyn trwydded. Edrychwch ar wefan y Gofrestr Diogelwch Nwy neu ffoniwch ... dyfais nwy yn eich cartref gael prawf diogelwch gan beiriannydd sydd ar y Gofrestr Diogelwch Nwy (Gas Safe Register) bob blwyddyn a chael gwasanaeth yn unol â chyfarwyddiadau’r gwneuthurwr. Yn ogystal

  4. Webinar summary report - Final.pdf

    complex needs. Increasing risk of self-harm or suicide due to deteriorating mental health, pressure cooker effect of a problem building up over longer term. Families left to care for people they don’t know

  5. Winter 2022 Newsletter welsh web.pdf

    gweithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithlon. Mae angen iddo gael ei wirio’n flynyddol gan beiriannydd cofrestredig Gas Safe a’i wasanaethu yn ôl cyfarwyddiadau’r gwneuthurwr. A beth am ddefnyddio’r gwres rhad ac am ddim

  6. Human rights

    appropriate steps to protect a person’s life e.g. ensure adequate laws to protect you from others who might want to take away your life not take away a person’s life, except in a few very specific and limited circumstances ... health assessment and when he was ready for discharge, a dispute emerged between his partner who wanted him to return home, and health authorities who believed he should be admitted permanently to a care

  7. IG51.pdf

    confidence that your wishes are documented, it means that the people close to you know what you’d want to happen if there comes a time when you can’t make your own decisions. Making plans now doesn’t ... will. Having an up-to-date will is important, as it means there are clear instructions about what you want to happen to your money, property, possessions (known as your ‘estate’) and your online accounts after

  8. Falls Prevention

    Working together with our partners and with the support from across all sectors and health boards, we want to remind you of the many things that you can do to keep yourself from falling. After all, falls are

  9. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    knowledge at all. Join our Readers’ Panel at 2) Tell us your story. We want to include real voices of real people in our guides. We’d love to hear about your experiences. Email ... what you would want, if there comes a time when you can no longer make your own decisions. Making plans now can make things easier for those close to you down the line, too. And, if you want to, you can always

  10. Talking_about_death_booklet_final_version.pdf

    understand about dying, our own death, their death, being with someone when they die, asking what they want and knowing what to expect and what to do. Conversations give the opportunity to prompt so that wills ... have had the opportunity to talk and make informed choices together. Everyone knows what that person wants around care needs and support, pain relief, nutrition and hydration and families can learn together

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