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  1. IG05.pdf

    and have a lasting impact on our confidence. They can also leave us feeling unsure about who we can trust. But if you’ve been scammed, it’s important to reach out and talk to people about what’s happened ... sophisticated and are purposefully designed to steal your money by posing as people or organisations you trust. They can catch you on a day you’re busy doing something else, or just having one of those days. We’ve

  2. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    that all care workers receive a Real Living Wage within the term of this Senedd. This development will be a main driver for improvements in health and wellbeing for staff in home care, care homes and respite ... this aim will be partially informed by the remaining lifetime of contracting arrangements but it is important that this work is also led by where changes are needed the most and where they will have the

  3. CRS_Aug16_Ofwat_introducing_competition_to residential_customers.pdf

    switch, b) customer satisfaction is high, and c) not all those say they like choice or would switch will actually to do so in practice. Following point c, findings should be treated with caution and not ... cautious about expecting better outcomes for water customers. 3 7. If competition is introduced, it will be vital that customers in all circumstances can access comparison information and switching services

  4. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    place to grow older 2 3 As we all live longer, more of us will need to get out and about as consumers, to volunteer, to work and as care givers. We will need to ensure that those who are less mobile or not ... Friendly Places are essential for our ageing population. By 2040, nearly 1 in 4 people in the UK will be over 65. The number of people over 85 – the fastest growing age group – is predicted to more than

  5. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    our strongly-held view that enabling people to remain independent as they age is an investment that will be amply repaid in terms of savings to healthcare and income support services, and we pick up this ... population.  Local Government must be supported to provide the local infrastructure network that will enable an ageing population to remain independent. We believe that now is not the time for further

  6. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    help the family cope during the patient’s illness and in their own bereavement This evidence review will discuss issues around the end of life for older people, including but not limited to palliative care ... lack of places, and huge variability and uncertainty about when death from chronic health problems will occur. Older people are more likely to have complex needs and problems, which require the support

  7. RB_June14_financial_resilience_in_later_life.pdf

    Recommendations: information, advice and guidance 44 Recommendations: products 48 Recommendations: building trust 52 Conclusion and next steps 56 Appendix: Commission participants 58 ContentsAge UK would ... places financial resilience among today’s most pressing issues. By 2025, every fifth person in the UK will be aged 65 and over. This increased longevity should be celebrated but every part of society needs

  8. FS10w.pdf

    assistance (including which authority will have responsibility) 61 20.4 If you have been self-funding, but the care home will be more expensive than the local ... authority social services departments In this factsheet references to the ‘local authority’ or ‘council’ will refer to the adult social services department of the local authority. Elsewhere, you may hear the

  9. CRS_Oct17_WP_Committee_Pension_Freedoms.pdf

    the reforms is whether they deliver over many years across retirement, not just at the outset. This will not become evident for several years. 1.2 Notwithstanding the early popularity of the reforms, there ... the low numbers of consumers taking up advice and guidance;  widespread disengagement and lack of trust in pensions leading to poor decisionmaking in some instances;  the near-absence of innovation in

  10. Action plan to end abuse and neglect of older people - October 2022.pdf

    commitments set out as goals and targets, specific timescales, clarity around who will be involved in delivery, and what “better” will look like. iv. Clear commitments set out as goals, with detail regarding ... contribute to ending the abuse and neglect of older people and the extent of the role they can play. This will assist with identifying where any existing and additional resourcing should be targeted to be most

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