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  1. CRS_April16_Submission_FCA_paper_on_ageing_population_and_financial_services.pdf

    because of different switching behaviour.  Ensuring an effective market in the new world of pensions must be a key priority given the extent of change and impact on people throughout retirement.  ... retirement.  Investment in providing more accessible information, improving existing guidance, such as Pension Wise, and developing a joined-advice journey from mid-life career review to later life financial

  2. CRS_April14_NICE_Public_Health_guideline.pdf

    cost-effective methods of supporting workers who wish to continue in employment up to and beyond the state pension age? Mid-Life Career Review (MLCR) The MLCR was piloted in 2013/14 by the Department for Business ... varying situations. The results of the pilot were favourable, and BIS and the Department for Work & Pensions have agreed to fund a full evaluation.v Based on the initial results, Age UK believes this is an

  3. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    account to help C pay bills. In wife’s new will, there is no provision for C. C used to pay his pension into the joint account. Wife used to pay the bills out of their joint account. Wife also used to ... lacks mental capacity and there is no Lasting Power of Attorney. Mother didn’t make a will and has now lost mental capacity, there was no written agreement and C concerned when Mother dies the money will pass

  4. FS20w.pdf

    Effect on state benefits of NHS CHC Disability benefits You should notify the Department for Work and Pensions via their Disability Service Centre if you get a disability benefit and are due to receive NHS CHC ... appropriate level. State Pension State Pension is not affected by eligibility for NHS CHC. Pension Credit If you receive Pension Credit, you will lose the severe disability element of your Pension Credit award when

  5. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    influential charity in Westminster. Our campaigning activities have focused on social care and pension reform and we have received significant media coverage about these and other matters affecting older ... ages resulted in a £1.2 billion concession from the Government during the consideration of the Pensions Bill. Age UK has been at the forefront of debate around our social care system, calling for an

  6. IG15.pdf

    begins. When did your bladder or bowel problems start? How often does leaking happen? How much is lost? How are you dealing with it? How much, what and when are you drinking? Can you feel when your bladder ... carrying out personal care, you might be eligible for Attendance Allowance (AA) if you’re over State Pension age, or for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you’re under it. These benefits aren’t means-tested

  7. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    those living independently in the community, as social distancing and isolating has meant many have lost contact with their usual face-to-face peer support groups and activities. As a team, we’ve been ... should be paying for a loved ones care? Or perhaps they may want to know if they are eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru Advice can help with all these issues, and more

  8. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    has been a benefit predominantly claimed by men, and any distinct trends for women would have been lost. Currently, 37% of over-50 JSA claimants are female and 63% male. 2.8 The female proportion of JSA ... retain the right to claim for National Insurance Credits (and those who need to protect their state pension entitlement may do so). 2.11 In these charts, it is important to recall that, under the Work Programme

  9. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    She’d say, ‘Oh no’. I said, ‘I’m a pensioner too, but I put it on.’” Merle had debts which made her very short of money. She was paying the mortgage on her house, having lost money as a result of a divorce ... each other company going out for lunch and on short trips to Wales. Since Haydn had become weaker and lost the use of his car, he was no longer able to visit her. Haydn’s daughter described this as “a real

  10. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    LPA can help if you’re no longer able to make or communicate your decisions – what’s known as having lost ‘mental capacity’. When we talk about having ‘mental capacity’, we mean that someone has the ability ... bank account details and recent bank statements (list all your accounts and account details) • pension plans • insurance policies • National Insurance number • will. 15 If you rely on the internet

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