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  1. 20190829 Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Response Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) Welsh Government August 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older ... quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased

  2. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    Consultation response Senedd Cymru: Local Government and Housing Committee Priorities for the sixth Senedd Age Cymru is pleased to respond to the Local Government and Housing Committee’s consultation regarding ... a priority for the Committee should be to consider how the built environment post-Covid will facilitate the creation of an age friendly Wales in line with the proposed Strategy for an Ageing Society. Built

  3. Beth ydych chi'n ei feddwl am yr ymateb i COVID-19 yng Nghymru - pa effaith gafodd y pandemig arnoch chi?

    neu’r effaith ar fywydau'r rhai rydych yn gofalu amdanynt. Er enghraifft, gallai fod yn ymwneud ag iechyd neu ofal cymdeithasol, addysg, gwaith, cartref, arian, cymorth, eich bywyd teuluol neu eich

  4. Age Cymru response to Senedd consultation on hospital discharge January 2022.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response – Hospital discharge January 2022 Age Cymru welcomes the Senedd’s inquiry into hospital discharge as this an area that disproportionately affects older people and ... and older carers. Age Cymru provide a person centred, independent advocacy service that amplifies the voice of both older people living with memory concerns or dementia, and for those with capacity that

  5. Age Cymru response to Liberty Protection Safeguards consultation July 2022.pdf

    1 Consultation response Draft Regulations for Wales: Liberty Protection Safeguards Welsh Government July 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people ... strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to Welsh Government’s consultation on the Draft Regulations for Wales: Liberty

  6. Age Cymru - Avoiding slips, trips and falls leaflet - Welsh.pdf

    Osgoi llithro, baglu a chwympo Elusen gofrestredig 1128436 Mae cyngor ar sut i ymdrin ag ofn cwympo a beth y dylech ei wneud os byddwch yn cwympo ar ddiwedd y llyfryn. Wrth i ni fynd ... sy’n gallu eich helpu i gadw eich annibyniaeth a lleihau eich perygl o gwympo. Hoffai Age Cymru ddiolch i Bwyllgor Age Cymru Caerdydd am ei gymorth hael i’n helpu i ariannu’r llyfryn hwn a’n gwaith arall

  7. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - Welsh lang.pdf

    ddim Mae Age Cymru yn rhan o rwydwaith Age UK, sydd hefyd yn cynnwys Age NI ac Age Scotland. Hefyd, mae gennym bartneriaid Age Cymru lleol ledled Cymru. Paratowyd y daflen wybodaeth hon gan Age Cymru ac ... ac Age UK ac mae’n cynnwys gwybodaeth gyffredinol yn unig ynglŷn â’r ystod o ganllawiau gwybodaeth a thaflenni ffeithiau a fydd, rydym yn gobeithio, yn ddefnyddiol i chi. Ni ddylid dehongli unrhyw beth

  8. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Booklet - English.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? Creating an age friendly Wales We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the leading charity for all older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure ... life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change attitudes, we fight discrimination wherever we find it and we tackle elder abuse in all its forms. Age Cymru

  9. Citizens Voice Body consultation response - Age Cymru March 2023 (1).pdf

    Consultation response Establishment of the Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care, Wales Welsh Government March 2023 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all ... quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We welcome

  10. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2016 1 Diversity in older age – Disability Older disabled people Background: the meaning and prevalence of disability in older age The ability or difficulty ... experienced in performing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are widely used as a measure of disability for older people covering personal care such as being able to bathe, dress, mobility and toileting. Instrumental

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