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  1. IG03.pdf

    outside the UK, you only need to state the country) • their most recent occupation and if they’d retired • to know if they were receiving a pension or other benefits • the name, occupation and date of birth ... contributions. You may also be entitled to some of their additional State Pension and Graduated Retirement Benefit. • If you’re a widow, widower or surviving civil partner and you reached State Pension

  2. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    Arts Council of Wales Delivered in partnership with over 75 organisations each year Approaching retirement and plucking up the courage to be more creative. Gwanwyn has come just at the right time and

  3. IG10.pdf

    Support Service Government service which offers information about setting up a business, redundancy, retirement and employment rights. Tel: 0800 998 1098 In Wales, contact

  4. Transport policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    people who are new applicants to receive free bus travel should be increased to match the UK state retirement age.29 Age Cymru’s response to the consultation will be available on our website. There is evidence

  5. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    staff, and several told us of their concerns that they’d lost experienced staff, some of whom had retired early, and how it’s difficult to regain that experience and expertise through training of new staff ... place for them quickly. This could be part of people’s later life planning considerations around retirement, or a change in circumstances where people are thinking about what they want for later life and

  6. CF recruitment pack 2023_English (1).pdf

    living facilities Commitment The term of appointment of Consultative Forum members is four years. A retiring member may be reappointed but cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. Reasonable out-of-pocket

  7. CF recruitment pack 2023_English.pdf

    living facilities Commitment The term of appointment of Consultative Forum members is four years. A retiring member may be reappointed but cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. Reasonable out-of-pocket

  8. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    known better days, found it harder. Among those who have had the least during their working lives, retirement can actually see a rise in income, as working-age, means-tested benefits pay much less than Pension ... that the boost to their income once Pension Credit came into payment, not always immediately after retirement, gave them extra flexibility. Some older pensioners found that Attendance Allowance gave an extra

  9. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_071215.pdf

    the next day a neighbourhood service was created, led by a former staff member, mostly employing retired volunteers. She added that recently older volunteers had organised a tea dance in a church, carols

  10. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    was developed by Hughes et al from the University of Chicago for use in the 2002 US Health and Retirement Study, and has been replicated in ELSA.46 Loneliness as part of wider well-being scales Loneliness ... Key transitions, which tend to occur in older age, can also trigger loneliness; these include retirement, becoming a carer, and bereavement.73 Older people themselves say that they find it more difficult

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