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  1. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    1 Consultation Response The Cost of Caring for an Ageing Population Finance Committee January 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all ... Cost of Caring for an Ageing Population. We would like to make the following comments in relation to the terms of reference cited for the Inquiry: To examine patterns in demand for social care services

  2. FS65.pdf

    factsheet provides information about different types of equity release, such as lifetime mortgages and home reversion plans. It includes information on: ⚫ what to consider before deciding on a particular product ... 3.10 Impact of equity release on Pension Credit 8 3.11 Mortgage interest relief 9 3.12 Charges for care services 10 3.13 Inflation 11 3.14 Tax 11 3.15 Family 11 3.16 Lasting power of attorney 11 4 Lifetime

  3. annual_review_2013_2014.pdf

    by the priorities that people in later life tell us matter to them – money, wellbeing, health & care, home and community. Our achievements are set out under each of these ambitions. 2 Our international ... million in benefits they were entitled to. In England, years of influencing by Age UK contributed to the Care Act 2014 becoming law. Although the most thorough reform of legislation since 1948, it risks being

  4. IG51.pdf

    AgeUKIG51 Getting your affairs in order and thinking about your care needs Thinking about end of life 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating ... and care Advance decisions 21 Advance statements of wishes 24 Conversations with your GP and medical team 25 Terms you may hear 27 Thinking about where you’d like to be looked after 29 Care homes 30 Hospice

  5. IG07.pdf

    up your care plan 30. Assessing your carer’s needs 32. If you only need a bit of help at home 33. If you need more help at home 34. If you need to move into a care home 35. Paying for your care 36. Thinking ... provides information about: • going into hospital • your rights in hospital • the discharge process • care after you leave hospital. Friends or relatives might find it useful to read this guide too. It can

  6. Handout on principles of the Act.docx

    core principles: • Voice and control – putting an individual and their needs at the centre of their care and support, with voice and control over the outcomes that will help them achieve well-being; The ... their local community centre or access services through the medium of Welsh or English.As a result, care and support services will need to have an even greater focus on maximising people’s independence –

  7. Age Cymru IPA Appropriate Individual Booklet_E FINAL 12.3.20.pdf

    the role of the appropriate individual2 and highlights some points which might be helpful for social care and health professionals, commissioners, providers, advocates, carers and citizens to consider. Assessing ... professional advocacy under the Act “is specific to supporting an individual in relation to their care and/or support needs. Advocates which undertake this form of advocacy are referred to as an Independent

  8. RB_Dec14_What_next_for_generation_R.pdf

    for low to middle income families: the frustrated aspiration to own a home. Most people in the UK would like to own their own home, yet the barriers to ownership are mounting. In 1983, a low to middle ... are more likely to be renting privately than in any other tenure. In some other countries, falling home ownership is not a problem. However, the UK does not have the secure, long term rental market that

  9. RB_Nov15_Financial_Abuse_Evidence_Review.pdf

     People frequently requesting small amounts of money from you.  Family members moving into your home without your consent and without a prior agreement on sharing costs.  Pressurising you to sign over ... charge of your benefits and not giving you all your money. The definition used for No Secrets (DH/Home Office, 2000) is: Financial or material abuse, including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in

  10. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    numbers 02 Money matters 05 Health & wellbeing 09 Home & care 13 Travel & lifestyle 17 Work & learning 21 Closer to home 25 Around the world 29 Funding & finance ... benefited 63,000 people. Our HandyVan service achieved a customer satisfaction rate of 99 per cent. Home & care Travel & lifestyle Health & wellbeing 3 This year we helped older people claim £145 million in

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