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  1. GCBH-Engage_your_brain.pdf

    collaborative of scientists, health professionals, scholars and policy experts from around the world working in areas of brain health related to human cognition. The GCBH focuses on brain health relating to people’s ... to consider incorporating into their lives. We know that many people across the globe are interested in learning, first, that it is possible to influence their own brain health and, second, what can be done

  2. 05_Fantastic_Fox_Hat_DIGITAL.pdf

    dc in a magic ring. [6] round 1: inc in all 6 st. [12] round 2: (dc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [18] round 3: (dc in next 2 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [24] round 4: (dc in next ... next 4 st, inc in next st) repeat 5 times. [30] round 5 - 16: dc in all 30 st [30] Fasten off and sew in end. Fold up the rim (approx. last 4 rounds). by Sarah abbreviations: (UK) ch – chain st(s) – stitch(es)

  3. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    Commission on Loneliness, which Jo set up before her death in summer 2016, to shine a powerful spotlight on the millions of people who are lonely living in our communities. The Commission was a response to Jo’s ... university and experiencing deep loneliness, and later of seeing the devastating effects of loneliness in her constituency of Batley and Spen. Jo recognised that loneliness was a huge problem, that it could

  4. RB_Jan15_Promising_approaches-loneliness_and_isolation.pdf

    Promising approaches to reducing loneliness and isolation in later life 2 January 2015 Report author: Kate Jopling Literature searches and screening: Konstantina Vasileiou About us Age UK is the country’s ... Campaign to End Loneliness inspires thousands of people and organisations to do more to tackle loneliness in older age. We are a network of national, regional and local organisations and people working together

  5. Later_Life_UK_factsheet.pdf

    Life in the United Kingdom December 2017 This factsheet, which is updated on a monthly basis, is the most up-to-date source of publicly available, general information on people in later life in the UK ... or over in the UK.1  There are now over 15.3 million people in the UK aged 60 and above.2  1.6 million people are aged 85 or over.3  There are over half a million people aged 90 and over in the UK.

  6. 06_really_flashy_bird_DIGITAL.pdf

    dc in a magic ring. [6] round 1: inc in all 6 st. [12] round 2: (dc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [18] round 3: (dc in next 2 st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [24] round 4: (dc in next ... next 4 st, inc in next st) repeat 5 times. [30] round 5 - 12: dc in all 30 st [30] Fasten off and sew in end. really flashy bird crochet peacock hat by Sarah crochet hooks 3.5 & 2.5mm wool colours level Frills

  7. RB_Sept14_Ethnicity_and_occupational_pension.pdf

    Ethnicity and occupational pension membership in the UK Athina Vlachantoni, Zhixin Frank Feng, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham Reflecting a relatively ... minority ethnic groups are less likely to benefit from such pensions and are more likely to face poverty in later life, as a result of the interaction of their labour market participation and pension membership

  8. RB_July16_Older_people_and_internet_use_stats.pdf

    1 The Internet and Older People in the UK – Key Statistics July 2016 This note sets out some statistics and information about internet use and older people drawing on national surveys. Details ... proportions of people who use the internet.i  In the UK in 2016, 5.3 million adults have never used the internet while a further 0.9 million have used it, but not in the last 3 months.ii  Among people aged

  9. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    people in the UK. We do this by addressing health inequality, reducing loneliness and isolation, improving retirement incomes and tackling poverty and discrimination against those in later life in all its ... the oldest old. In the course of our work with people in later life, we at Age UK have become increasingly aware of the importance of the group often called the ‘oldest old’, those in their mid-80s upwards

  10. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    prevent younger people from entering the labour force and progressing their careers. However, although in some circumstances this may seem intuitive, there is actually no evidence to reinforce this view. The ... derivation of the ‘lump of labour fallacy’, which refutes the idea that there is only a fixed amount of work in the economy to be shared out. This briefing examines the evidence on this topic, demonstrates that

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