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  1. Age Cymru Carers report - English.pdf

    support more older carers before they reach crisis point. Following the publication of this report, we will engage with older carers, carers organisations and other stakeholders from across the sector to disseminate ... Cymru and Carers Trust Wales, that the needs of carers were not being fully met. Out of the 31 recommendations made by the committee, the majority were accepted by Welsh Government in their response. The

  2. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    Ø Housing, including housing options, repairs and adaptations and heating Ø Legal issues such as Wills and Power of Attorney Ø Bereavement and death Ø Local services and opportunities to engage in new ... and local partner services in your area The service is free, independent and confidential and we will not pass your details to anyone else without your permission. How we provide support. Ø Telephone

  3. FS72.pdf

    Page 1 of 16 Factsheet 72 Advance decisions, advance statements and living wills April 2024 About this factsheet There are things you can do to make sure others know which medical treatments you would ... Preparing an advance decision to refuse treatment (often called an advance decision or a ‘living will’) and an advance statement are two things you can do. This factsheet explains what they are, why you

  4. RB_Dec15_Later_life_in_a_digital_world.pdf

    West Editorial and design December 2015 Contents Foreword 04 Summary and recommendations 05 1 The move to online public services 06 2 Support for those who are not online 14 3 ... them, given the speed of change there is a risk that they will be left behind in our increasingly digital world. We hope that this report will give service providers and others greater insights into the

  5. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    just want to have a chat about what they saw on television last night. Hopefully, this initiative will help older people cope with some of the challenges arising from the Coronavirus outbreak. Anyone ... 444 or send us an email - please ensure you include the following information in your email. This will help us deal with your registration more efficiently.  Name  Address  Telephone number  Please

  6. Carers Guide ENG (Jan 23).pdf

    Many of these carers are unaware of their rights and the support that’s available to them. This guide will tackle this, setting out what unpaid carers’ rights are, and mapping the various kinds of support ... assistance from your local authority about support services like practical help at home, support groups near you, or counselling to help deal with stress • Have help looking after yourself, including the right

  7. RB_June16_Age_UK_Excess_Winter_Deaths_Briefing.pdf

    around 1.44 million homes under ECO and the Green Deal from their launch in 2013 to Match 2016 Recommendations Age UK is calling for the Government to:  reform its energy efficiency programmes  make energy ... Lynne says: ‘With the price rise in the utilities I am just dreading next winter because it was costing me between £20 and £25 a week last winter for the heating, because I’m on a prepayment meter. My electric

  8. Cascade Training Programme - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet).pdf

    offer for our volunteers so I saw this as an opportunity… it was a nice and easy way of someone giving me the resources and then just pulling the volunteers together, as it is really difficult to provide tailored ... process of getting actively involved in increasing volunteers, it has turned my view around and made me more enthusiastic. We only had one or two volunteers working on projects prior to this… Cascade Training

  9. Cost of caring for an ageing population - January 2018.pdf

    12%.5 5. The statistics cited above indicate that demand for residential and non residential care will undoubtedly increase. Social care has historically suffered as a consequence of under-funding and ... ageing population will require significant investment, the cost of not caring could be much higher. A failure to invest in services that keep people safe and healthier for longer will undoubtedly increase

  10. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    12%.5 5. The statistics cited above indicate that demand for residential and non residential care will undoubtedly increase. Social care has historically suffered as a consequence of under-funding and ... ageing population will require significant investment, the cost of not caring could be much higher. A failure to invest in services that keep people safe and healthier for longer will undoubtedly increase

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