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  1. FS39w.pdf

    and eligibility for services 7 4 The local authority financial assessment if you are a couple and one of you goes into a care home – issues regarding ... means test 10 4.4 The capital limit where one of a couple goes into a care home 10 4.5 Treatment of jointly owned capital where one of

  2. FS63.pdf

    3 Introduction – the private rented sector 7 4 Welsh Government information on renting a home 8 5 Where to find private rented accommodation 9 6 Viewing the property to decide whether it is suitable 9 7 ... (rare in the private rented sector) 13 7.3 Exceptions where a rental agreement might not be an occupation contract 13 7.4 Seeking

  3. This is older - English.pdf

    Our recommendations are for any individual, publication or organisation which represents older people in their work and are outlined below. V We need to consider the fact that we are all ageing, rather ... reduce the ‘othering’ of older people. We need to also recognise that older people are not one homogenous group and are as diverse in their lives and lifestyles as any other age group. V We can work harder

  4. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks_.pdf

    You’re also right that my shoes and slippers are not safe, as they need to fit better, have better backs and strong soles that don’t slip” Jack & Jill: You are right, Gramps, we sometimes do run about ... about too quickly. We often don’t look where we’re going, with our laces undone, so we’re sure to fall” Jack & Jill: No, I’m not on the ‘naughty step’, just thinking how dangerous the stairs can be, and

  5. Sign up to the Priority Services Registers

    State Pension age   are disabled or have a long-term medical condition are recovering from an injury have a hearing or sight condition have a mental health condition are pregnant or have children ... cuts or water supply issues identification schemes where company staff give you a password so you know it’s a genuine call nominee schemes where they send your bills to a family member or carer of

  6. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    International human rights treaties In addition to the Universal Declaration are the UN human rights treaties which are at the core of the international system for the promotion and protection of human ... political and civil rights, not the conventions listed above, that has been so incorporated. Older people are not recognised explicitly under international human rights laws and Age UK is one of the organisations

  7. FS10w - June 2020.pdf

    care home fees – how your capital and savings are viewed 23 6.1 Capital held in the value of your home 23 6.2 Disregarded capital 26 6.3 Jointly held capital 27 6.4 ‘Notional’ capital 28 6.5 Valuation ... Disability-related benefits 39 10 A ‘Minimum Income Amount’ for people in care homes who are receiving local authority assistance towards the fees 42 11 Choice of care home and third party contributions

  8. Access to banking

    those older people who are not online; and almost a third of people aged 75 or over in Wales are digitally excluded. Even among older people who do have online access, some are reluctant to use online ... and would be more confident discussing their finances in-person. Older people have told us that they are regularly having to travel increasingly long distance to access in-person banking support, which is

  9. RB_April17_Guidance--Socio-Demographic_Questions_to_Ask.pdf

    it enables one to understand the people that are being reached and supported. This type of information helps identify if people being reached and supported are representative of the community or the group ... socio-demographic information that should be collected. It is important that where people are asking these questions they are provided with appropriate training to be able to ask the questions sensitively

  10. Friend In Need Resource Welsh.pdf

    Further support Os yw’r unigolyn yr ydych chi’n ei gefnogi yn 50 oed neu’n hŷn, gallwch gael rhagor o gefnogaeth drwy gysylltu ag Age Cymru Advice ar 08000 223 444, ar gael rhwng 9:30am a 4:30pm, ddydd Llun ... Os yw’r unigolyn yr ydych chi’n ei gefnogi dan 50 oed, gallwch gael rhagor o gefnogaeth drwy gysylltu â Cyngor ar Bopeth ar 03444 77 20 20, ar gael rhwng 9am a 5pm, ddydd Llun i ddydd

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