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  1. IG08.pdf

    and social groups? • Do you feel safe in your neighbourhood? • What are the local facilities and transport links like? • Are there hills or busy roads that make it more difficult to get out and about? Size

  2. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    annually and that the two most common subjects are house maintenance and related issues, and motor transport (primarily selling second hand cars). In other words, these provisions do not appear to have been ... Data Protection Act 1998. The most common unfair trading issues are house maintenance and motor transport 42 Enterprise Act 2002 The CMA also has powers under Part 8 of the Enterprise Act 2002 which

  3. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    support Range of support described by pilot projects Practical Falls prevention advice; transport assistance; respite sitting service; referral to handy person scheme, seated exercise, health trainer ... decline in-health and death, and then during the older carer’s own increasing debility. Volunteer transport to visit cared-for relative in hospital. Sept 2012, LSR Older carer recently bereaved when spouse

  4. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    in each phone’s SIM card and chip. This can be used to pay for a number of things, like public transport.77 However, like elsewhere in the world, older citizens still rely heavily on cash and over-the-counter ... perfect mobility will again disproportionately affect many older people. Availability of public transport will also have a significant affect on accessibility of cash. ‘My bank branch went but I can use

  5. EnvisAGE_2019_english.pdf

    regard to more narrow definitions of ‘care and support’. Securing a range of rights to areas such as transport, learning and community participation would entail a broader approach to advocacy for citizenship

  6. IG47.pdf

    for has difficulty getting around, ask your local council and your local Age UK if they know of transport services or voluntary car schemes in your area. Other charities. Contact Alzheimer’s Society, Carers

  7. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    away from the current paper-based clearing system (where millions of physical pieces of paper are transported around the UK), to a new system where images of the cheques are electronically exchanged and cleared

  8. RB_June12_delivering_dignity.pdf

    issues raised in this report have a great deal of relevance to other services, such as housing and transport. The Government needs to take a lead, by setting a positive tone for debate about our ageing society

  9. FS78w.pdf

    be able to get out and about as much as before. However, there are voluntary organisations and transport schemes that can help people to remain socially active. A local Age Cymru organisation (see section

  10. FS89w.pdf

    states that authorities should avoid placing households in isolated accommodation away from public transport, shops and other facilities. If you or a member of your household needs medical or other support

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