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  1. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    Funding and finance Corporate governance Auditors’ report and accounts DEvELOPING COUNTRIES IN MORE THAN 40 WE DELIvERED 1.4 MILLION SERvICES TO 860,000 PEOPLE OUR HANDyPERSON SERvICE 14,000 HOMES vISITED NEARLy ... and emergency relief programmes. We delivered 1.4 million services to 860,000 people in more than 40 developing countries with the support of our partner organisation HelpAge International. Through our

  2. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    care grew. 7.2 This under-funding poses a real threat to older people’s right to dignity under article 8 ECHR. People who would have received publicly funded social care in the past are no longer eligible

  3. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    advice and information blogs for Social Care The Athena Programme Deprivation of liberty safeguards article during Covid-19 pandemic Scams Information COVID-19 SCAMS Unscrupulous criminals are exploiting ... subscribe to the e-bulletin or newsletter  If you have any comments or questions about the articles  If there’s anything you would like to see in the next e-bulletin or newsletter Email: sue

  4. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    organisations 35 3.2 Employer gains 38 3.3 Mutual benefits 39 3.4 The importance of line managers 40 4 Flexible working as a labour-market tool 42 4.1 Flexible working and the unemployed 43 4 ... 30% 35% 40% 45% All Women Men 2005 Age 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 2006 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 2007 2008 2009 2010 Trend line (all) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 10% 20% 30% 40% Figure

  5. Advocacy Newsletter Dec 2019 - Eng SM.pdf

    the articles  If there’s anything you would like to see in the next e-bulletin or newsletter Email: T: 01352 706228 The editor reserves the right to alter articles submitted

  6. Volunteers Week 2022

    This Volunteers Week 2020 we're celebrating our wonderful volunteers and how they make a difference to the lives of older people in Wales.

  7. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    Contact between younger and older people Older survey respondents Younger survey respondents  Of the 40 older people who responded, 29 had contact with older people at least every three months (with 21 at ... survey respondents  All older who responded were satisfied with their experience, with 32 out of the 40 respondents (80%) very satisfied  100% of respondents (41) would recommend Technology Together classes

  8. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    mae’n siarad ag unrhyw un mwyach. Adroddodd Mrs D stori debyg i ni: mae hi wedi bod yn sengl ers bron 40 mlynedd ac er bod ganddi fab sy’n oedolyn, dywed na all dibynnu arno i alw arni gan ei fod yn rhy brysur ... of Health. Heart. Vol. 102, No. 13, pp. 1009–1016. April 2016. 6 Holwerda, Tjalling Jan, Dorly J. H. Deeg, Aartjan T. F. Beekman, Theo G. van Tilburg

  9. 5 FAQ for Care home volunteers.pdf

    FAQ for Care Home Volunteers 1. Do I need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? Check with the care home for their policy on vaccination requirement. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear PPE? The care home manager will advise you on their current regulations for Covid testing and PPE. You must let the care home manager know if you have symptoms of Covid infection. Do not attend the

  10. cARTrefu Newsletter May 2019 Welsh.pdf

    Bydd cARTrefu, prosiect celf mewn cartrefi gofal, yn parhau tan fis Awst 2021. Diolch i gyllid pellach gan Sefydliad Baring a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, bydd cARTrefu yn parhau am ddwy flynedd arall. Bydd trydydd cam cARTrefu yn dechrau ym mis Medi 2019, ond bydd yn wahanol i'r ddau gam cyntaf. Bydd Cam 3 yn canolbwyntio ar rymuso staff cartrefi gofal i wella ystod ac ansawdd y ddarpariaeth

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