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  1. CRS_June14_Freedom_choice_in_pensions.pdf

    classed as ‘priority’ debts. We believe there is a case for examining whether pensions not yet in payment can be protected from creditors to some extent. We also 11 believe that use of pension savings ... number of letters from older borrowers who complain that although they are well able to support the payments on their mortgage, their lenders have imposed age limits that mean they are faced with having to

  2. Employment and Contribution policy statement (September 2016).pdf

    ensure it better meets the needs of older participants. Support providers should be granted an extra payment for placing anyone aged 50+ in sustainable employment, and more disadvantaged jobseekers should be ... ensure it better meets the needs of older participants. Support providers should be granted an extra payment for placing anyone aged 50+ in sustainable employment, and more disadvantaged jobseekers should be

  3. RB_apr14_services-what_works_spreads.pdf

    commonly home care. Research shows less positive outcomes than for older people with cash direct payments. How can these outcomes be improved? • Councils need to ensure that they have framework agreements ... older people in 2002. This removed means testing for home care, and introduced a universal weekly payment for residential care costs (although care home ‘hotel’ costs covering accommodation, food and energy

  4. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    For example, the proposal to apply the local housing allowance (LHA), which caps housing benefit payments, to supported housing from 2019/20 could further reduce the provision of sheltered housing, even ... triple lock is important, and people also value the non-means-tested benefits such as the winter fuel payment and the bus pass which some people say is the only extra financial help they receive. Leaving the

  5. FS40w.pdf

    his or her possession. The Code of Practice guidance gives the following examples:  A lump-sum payment, such as a gift, has been made to someone else.  Transferring the title deeds of a property to someone ... Credit;  “income payable under a discretionary trust”;  “income payable under a trust derived from a payment made as a result of a personal injury where the income would be available but has not yet been applied

  6. IG48.pdf

    financial considerations. Benefits. Disability benefits. You may be entitled to Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance, depending on your age and the support you need. These aren’t means tested ... You can then choose between the council arranging your care and doing it yourself through a direct payment. Depending on your income and savings, you may have to contribute towards the cost of care covered

  7. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    ii These and subsequent figures about service users include older people who are receiving direct payments/personal budgets iii Includes partial and fully self-funders who pay for their own care which is ... care. It is believed this could help avoid catastrophic charges plus the possibility of deferred payments so that people requiring care do not have to sell their homes during their lives. These follow from

  8. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    costs, such as care costs. If you need help with care, you may qualify for Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance, depending on whether you’re under or over State Pension age. Claiming these ... your funeral Funerals can be very expensive so you may want to consider setting up a funeral pre-payment plan. These allow you to decide the type of funeral you want and pay for it in advance at today’s

  9. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances_IACL.pdf

    also an issue with many providers having removed concessionary fees, and some demanding upfront payment which for many is unaffordable. The Government-funded IACL provision has a clear role to play in ... provision and prohibit those providers without the administrative capacity to design bespoke fee and payment systems. We believe the Government will need to provide a simple, low cost system and should test

  10. FS5w.pdf

    having a dental assessment and paying a fixed monthly payment based on your expected level of treatment. Your dental needs, and hence monthly payments, are usually reviewed annually. Factsheet 5w  April

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