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  1. CRS_June16_pr_public_financial_guidance_review.pdf

    where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Contact: Lucy Malenczuk Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square ... Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267

  2. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review_Moriarty.pdf

    Age UK, London All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this report or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has ... for Age UK by Jo Moriarty and Jill Manthorpe of the Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King’s College London. Any views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Age UK. Age UK is a charitable

  3. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    Copies of this document can be obtained from Author Katherine Hill Policy Adviser (Equalities and Human Rights) Age UK. Delivering the Equality Duty • October 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contents ... population is large and growing. For the fi rst time in history, there are now over 10 million people in the UK aged 65 and above.1 More than 1.4 million people are aged 85 or over.2 The number of people aged 65

  4. CAP Referal Form 2024.docx

    Does the person have a preference on the gender of the volunteer? Yes o No oIf yes please state which:GP details in case of emergencyName: Tel no: Address: Details of any health issues (e.g.

  5. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales - October 2023.pdf

    “We had part of the ceiling come down from a leak in the upstairs bathroom and it took most of the pension lump sum I had been awarded.” We heard about the poor condition of some houses with concerns around ... have to continue to work to pay rent. “Rents are so high that it is impossible just to live on a state pension without working to supplement it.” What matters to you? Current experiences of people aged 50

  6. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    in rural England Age UK is a charity that aims to improve later life for everyone through our information and advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research. In the UK we work closely with ... with our partners Age Scotland, Age NI, Age Cymru and the many local Age UKs and older people’s groups. We provide services at a local and national level including information and advice that reaches some

  7. RB_Dec14_What_next_for_generation_R.pdf

    living in later life. This paper explores some of the reasons for this precariousness. Firstly, pensions are changing. With defined benefit schemes having seen their peak, families must work harder to ... of people actively contributing to a pension has fallen, and at present, over two-thirds of people in low and middle households have no pension or a frozen pension (this compares to 41 per cent of people

  8. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    winter warmth services Impact report 2011–2014 21 Age UK’s winter warmth servicesExposure to the cold can have a devastating impact on the health of older people. Every winter 25,000i older people die ... die needlessly, as a result of cold weather in the UK. The UK’s excess winter death rate is much higher than other colder countries. Research suggests that cold weather morbidity is preventable and a result

  9. FS21w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 21w  June 2024 Council Tax in Wales – information about the tax and help you might get towards your bill Factsheet 21w ... Calculating Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) entitlement for people over State Pension age 30 15.1 Step 1: What is your total Council Tax bill? 31 15.2 Step 2: Make any necessary deductions

  10. RB_July11_Ageing_well_Improving_Later_Life_Book.pdf

    Improving later life. Age UK is the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged. With almost 120 years of combined history to draw on, we are bringing together our talents, services and solutions ... and often contradictory – what’s good for us one day can all too often be bad for us the next. Age UK is committed to promoting research and giving clear and reliable advice on all aspects of ageing.

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