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  1. About HOPE

    The HOPE Project (Helping others participate and engage) is a partnership project between Age Cymru, Age Cymru local partners and Age Connects Wales partners throughout Wales.

  2. Buses - a lifeline for older people

    Buses - a lifeline for older people. Written for Age Cymru by the Bevan Foundation, draws on the views and experiences of more than 300 people aged 60 and over of the importance of bus services

  3. Help us tackle loneliness

    joining forces with Age UK to fight loneliness We’re proud that Age UK is working with Cadbury to help draw attention to the 225,000 older people who often go a whole week without speaking to anyone. Loneliness ... forces to do something about it. And we need your help. Age Cymru, along with our sister charities in Northern Ireland and Scotland, are also getting behind the campaign, and encouraging people across

  4. FS64.pdf

    Page 1 of 20 Factsheet 64 Specialist housing for older people November 2023 About this factsheet This factsheet contains information about housing intended specifically for older people, such as sheltered ... sheltered and retirement housing. For more information about specialist housing for sale, see factsheet 2, Buying retirement housing. For information about renting from local authorities and housing associations

  5. Winter 2022 Newsletter web.pdf

    time for all of us but especially this year with the cost-of-living crisis. So, in this special winter edition of Age Matters we’ve brought together lots of advice on a wide range of subjects to help keep ... seem that there’s advice, help and support out there. So, please if you’re struggling this winter don’t suffer in silence but reach out to us and we’ll do all we can to help. For general information about

  6. Being scam aware.pdf

    Being scam aware Unfortunately during this time there are a number of scams circulating. Please be scam aware and follow our tips below to help the person you’re supporting to stay safe. Encourage them to: ... click on any attachments or links. • Never provide personal data such as their full name, address, date of birth, bank details or pin numbers – scammers can use this information to steal their identity. • Not

  7. Age Cymru Hope Project A5 Flyer (Web) FINAL + QPM BILINGUAL - updated Jan 24.pdf

    Do you need help to: • Ensure people listen to your views, wishes and feelings so you lead the decision making? • Get the right support you need when you need it? • Be supported to say what matters to ... independent Volunteer Advocates who will be: • Someone there for you and only you • Someone to listen to you and support you so you can make your own decisions • Someone to help you access and understand information

  8. age-cymru-advice-how-can-we-help-booklet---english.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? Creating an age friendly Wales We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the leading charity for all older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure ... sure we build a better life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change attitudes, we fight discrimination wherever we find it and we tackle elder abuse in all

  9. Supporting you to be heard leaflet (ew5).pdf

    Why might I or someone I know need an advocate? Because… • Sometimes I don’t understand the information people give me about my care and support • I think I might need help but I don’t know how to go ... or what will happen next • I am not able to say what matters to me especially when lots of people are telling me what would be best for me. • I need someone independent to help me say how I feel •

  10. Supporting you to be heard leaflet (ew5).pdf

    Why might I or someone I know need an advocate? Because… • Sometimes I don’t understand the information people give me about my care and support • I think I might need help but I don’t know how to go ... or what will happen next • I am not able to say what matters to me especially when lots of people are telling me what would be best for me. • I need someone independent to help me say how I feel •

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