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  1. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_W.pdf

    efallai bod rhai angen ychydig o waith paratoi. Rydyn ni wedi labelu pob gweithgaredd gydag 1 , 2 neu 3 ; mae 1 yn hawdd iawn a 3 angen ychydig mwy o amser i fod yn barod. Celfyddydau Gweledol Geiriau

  2. IPA and IAA handout.docx

    processes with assistance from an appropriate individual, but there is no appropriate individual available.1  Participating fully   The Code explains what participating fully in the assessment, care and support ... judging whether someone might be experiencing barriers and whether advocacy might be needed. References   1. Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy), para 47:

  3. CRS_Aug17_Age UK's_response_to_DWP_social_fund_funeral_payments_consultation.pdf

    clarify issues around eligibility and make the process for claiming Funeral Expenses Payments simpler. 1. Introduction Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of ... changes to the Funeral Expenses Payments which will improve the system for applicants. Question 1 – contributions from charities, friends and relatives We welcome this change which will clarify the

  4. Picking up.pdf

    ck-up-aprescription-for-someone-else/ Here are a few basic precautions for handling prescriptions; 1. Follow social distancing protocol and don’t take unnecessary risks. 2. Don’t go into the house of the ... ck-up-aprescription-for-someone-else/ Dyma rai rhagofalon sylfaenol ynglŷn â thrin presgripsiynau; 1. Dilynwch y protocol ymbellhau’n gymdeithasol a pheidiwch â chymryd risgiau diangen 2. Peidiwch â mynd

  5. Shopping.pdf

    essential items from the shops during this time. Here are a few basic precautions for handling shopping; 1. Follow social distancing protocol and don’t take unnecessary risks. 2. Don’t go into the house of the ... hanfodol eraill o’r siopau yn ystod y cyfnod hwn. Dyma rai rhagofalon sylfaenol ynglŷn â thrin siopa; 1. Dilynwch y protocol ymbellhau’n gymdeithasol a pheidiwch â chymryd risgiau diangen 2. Peidiwch â mynd

  6. Print ready Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi - Profiadau cyfredol pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru 2024.pdf

    1 Dyma’r pedwerydd arolwg blynyddol a gynhaliwyd ers 2020 gan Age Cymru a’r sefydliadau allweddol sy’n cynrychioli pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Mae’n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru ac eraill yn clywed gan bobl ... Profiadau cyfredol pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru 50+ Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.indd 1 Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.indd 1 27/02/2024 11:33:22 27/02/2024 11:33:22 2 A2.c. Beth ydych chi’n gwneud pan rydych

  7. 20210219 DAP Marketing Brief - final.pdf

    1 Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project Marketing Brief February 2021 1. Who are we? Age Cymru is the national Charity for older people in Wales, we work with our 5 local Age Cymru partners to improve

  8. CRS_May17_Intermediate_care_including_reablement.pdf

    comments on the whole document Line number Or ‘general’ for comments on the whole document Comments 1 Short General General Age UK welcomes the opportunity to comment on this draft guideline. We believe ... should recommend that providers seek to secure consistent two day standards at all times. 9 Short 8 1 Regarding the section on ‘planning the person’s intermediate care’, we feel there should be greater

  9. Independent Professional Advocacy CYMRAEG - March 2020.pdf

    gael gwybodaeth, lleisio’ch barn a chymryd rhan 2 3 Cyflwyniad Roedd Rhan 10 y Cod Ymarfer (Eiriolaeth)1 a gyhoeddwyd dan Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 20142 (“y Ddeddf) yn ei gwneud ... drefnu i ddiwallu anghenion gofal a chymorth unigolion o dan adrannau 35 i 45 o’r Ddeddf. Mae Atodlen 1, paragraff 7 o Ddeddf Rheoleiddio ac Arolygu Gofal Cymdeithasol (Cymru) 2016 hefyd yn diffinio gwasanaeth

  10. GCBH-The-Brain-Body-Connection-Report-Jul16.pdf

    Brain Health The Brain–Body Connection: GCBH Recommendations on Physical Activity and Brain Health 1 The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) is an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals ... physical activity on brain health. A list of participants and GCBH members are included in Appendix 1. The purpose was to interpret current scientific evidence and generate actionable recommendations. This

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