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  1. Advocacy Newsletter Dec 2019 - Eng SM.pdf

    Advocacy Resources Hub to access for further information. Social Care Wales has produced a link for a Dementia Care Resource for Care Professionals Dewis Centre for Independent Living and National Youth Advocacy

  2. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    less services, but Advocacy Hasn’t Changed. So our specialist advocacy service for people with dementia at Alzheimer Society is still here. Yes we are (rightfully) limited in our face to face contact ... before COVID19 and there are certainly some unique challenges now. The most pressing people with dementia now face include:  Tensions in public when people don’t remember the need for social

  3. Age Matters - Rhifyn Haf 2023 - Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru.pdf

    cystadleuaeth ysgrifennu am y gorffennol a gynhaliwyd gan Sain Ffagan fel rhan o Wythnos Weithredu Dementia. Eu her ddiweddaraf yw cymryd rhan yn ymgyrch codi arian Age Cymru, Y Cam Mawr, drwy gydol mis Gorffennaf ... ôl gwaith ymchwil Y llynedd, gwnaeth Busnes yn y Gymuned Cymru a’r Ganolfan Ymchwil Heneiddio a Dementia ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe waith ymchwil am ganfyddiadau ac agweddau cyflogwyr tuag at weithwyr hŷn

  4. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 8 W FINAL.pdf

    hyn wedi deillio’n rhannol o sicrhau cyllid gan Age Cymru i gyflawni prosiectau Eiriolaeth HOPE a Dementia. 3 2. Adolygiad o wasanaethau eiriolaeth i oedolion yng Nghymru gan ganolbwyntio’n benodol ar bobl ... digwydd yn rhannol oherwydd bod Age Cymru yn sicrhau cyllid i gyflawni prosiectau Eiriolaeth HOPE a Dementia ledled Cymru gyfan. Roedd y gostyngiad blaenorol mewn darparwyr arbenigol ym mhob arolwg ers Advocacy

  5. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 8 W FINAL 2.pdf

    hyn wedi deillio’n rhannol o sicrhau cyllid gan Age Cymru i gyflawni prosiectau Eiriolaeth HOPE a Dementia. 3 2.Adolygiad o wasanaethau eiriolaeth i oedolion yng Nghymru gan ganolbwyntio’n benodol ar bobl ... digwydd yn rhannol oherwydd bod Age Cymru yn sicrhau cyllid i gyflawni prosiectau Eiriolaeth HOPE a Dementia ledled Cymru gyfan. Roedd y gostyngiad blaenorol mewn darparwyr arbenigol ym mhob arolwg ers Pwysigrwydd

  6. IG13.pdf

    you know you’re never alone. If the person you care for has dementia, you might also want to read our guide Caring for someone with dementia. 5 Next steps It’s a good idea to find out the number for your ... Cymru Advice. If you care for someone who lacks mental capacity – for instance, because they have dementia or another condition that affects their ability to make decisions – you may be able to receive direct

  7. CRS_Oct14_Home_Office_Domestic_abuse_consultation.pdf

    able to more effectively differentiate between a social care need, caused by a condition such as dementia, from a pattern of behaviour which can be considered abusive. Better awareness and application of

  8. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    because people are more likely to develop health conditions such as heart problems, depression and dementia. At the same time, it can be particularly difficult for people with poor health to participate and

  9. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    However, we would also point out that older people’s mental health provision is largely focused on dementia related conditions. This does not adequately cover wider mental health needs in older people. Older

  10. Discrimination, Human Rights and Welsh language rights public policy statement - September 2022.pdf

    care. For many older people using their Welsh is a matter of clinical need, especially those with dementia or have had a stroke who may lose their English language skills.8 Welsh Government’s ‘More than ... older people; people with learning disabilities; mental health service users; people living with dementia; people accessing stroke services; and people accessing speech and language therapy services, putting

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