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  1. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    Cultural Rights 1966, (UK: 1976)  Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979, (UK: 1986)  Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment 1984

  2. RB_Jan10_older_people’s_experiences_of_renting_privately.pdf

    undertaken, involving 32 respondents (two married couples were interviewed together). Twenty-two women and ten men took part, aged between 54 and 89 (n=9 aged 54–65; n=23 aged 66+). They included people

  3. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    to fraud recovery fraud (when fraud victims are told the money they have lost can be recovered) of women and of those who are retired with low incomes who often live alone.ii Financially sophisticated people

  4. FS10w - June 2020.pdf

    can only be claimed by people over State Pension age (this is gradually increasing for both men and women – for example, in April 2020 the State Pension age was 65 and 8-9 months and by October 2020 it will

  5. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2014_2015.pdf

    we would…deliver a new programme in four African countries that improves 360,000 older men and women’s access to age-friendly quality health services. In 2014/15, we began a three year healthcare programme ... are ‘too old’. Their particular needs are not acknowledged, unlike other vulnerable groups such as women of childbearing age and children. Older people deserve to be listened to. What we do We challenge

  6. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

    effectiveness. Overall, the study reports complex care pathways, and especially high representation among women, over-85s and those previously living alone, with a high proportion admitted following a prolonged

  7. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2015_2016.pdf

    coverage of our Man on the Moon partnership with John Lewis We work internationally We ensure that women and men everywhere can lead dignified, healthy and secure lives as they grow older. 808,000 We provided

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