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  1. FS87.pdf

    Page 1 of 30 Factsheet 87 Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance April 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet gives information about Personal Independence Payment (PIP), a non means-tested benefit for people under State Pension age who have a disability. State Pension age is currently 66 years. The factsheet also has information about Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

  2. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    Gwanwyn Festival Celebrating creativity in older age Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwanwyn: a potted history A national festival celebrating creativity in older age Covering the length and breadth of Wales Began in 2007 Over 3,500 events Over 75,000 people £250,000 issued to local community groups to take part 490 grants issued to local community groups 96% of participants would like to attend

  3. Gwanwyn_bro_Welsh.pdf

    Gŵyl Gwanwyn Dathlu creadigrwydd yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwanwyn: crynodeb o’i hanes Gŵyl genedlaethol yn dathlu creadigrwydd yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd Ar hyd a lled Cymru Dechreuodd yn 2007 Dros 3,500 o ddigwyddiadau Dros 75,000 o bobl £250,000 wedi’i roi i grwpiau cymunedol lleol i gymryd rhan 490 o grantiau wedi’u rhoi i grwpiau cymunedol lleol Hoffai 96% fynd i

  4. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    cARTrefu Phase 3, Age Cymru’s arts in care homes project, will continue until August 2021. Phase 3 is focusing on empowering care home staff to improve the range and quality of creative provision in their care home, raising public awareness of the benefits of creativity in care homes, building capacity by sharing learning within the arts sector, and building sustainability. Thanks to the

  5. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Age Matters Croeso i’r rhifyn difyr hwn o Age Matters Rhifyn yr Hydref 2022 Croeso i’r rhifyn difyr hwn o Age Matters Gan Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr, Hydref 2022 Mae’n anochel ein bod ni’n dechrau meddwl am y gaeaf wrth i’r dail newid lliw ac wrth i’r nosweithiau tywyll ddechrau’n gynharach. Mae’r

  6. Summer 2024 v5.pdf

    1The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Summer edition 2024 Age Matters The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Summer 2024 General Election 2024 From pensioner poverty to digital exclusion, we highlight the key challenges you face today A spotlight on mental health and wellbeing Guide to help you have more money in your pocket

  7. Survey.pdf

    1 Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales who look after, or give any unpaid help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental ill-health or disability, or problems related to older age, and don’t access support 1. Do you look after or give any unpaid help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of longterm

  8. IG52.pdf

    AgeUKIG52 Extra money if you’re looking after someone. Carer’s Allowance. 2 Am I a carer? The word ‘carer’ means different things to different people. You might not think of yourself as one, but if you look after a partner, relative or friend who’d find it difficult to manage without your support, then you’re a carer. Many people mistakenly believe they can’t claim Carer’s Allowance. But as a

  9. IG55.pdf

    AgeUKIG55 Tips for making your home dementia friendly. At home with dementia. 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our Readers’ Panel. You don’t need any specialist knowledge at all. Join our Readers’ Panel at 2) Tell us your story. Have you been affected by any of the issues in

  10. IG57.pdf

    AgeUKIG57 Dealing with debt problems Getting help with debt 2 What is debt? Put simply, debt is owing money. People generally find themselves in debt when their outgoings exceed their income – but the reasons behind this can be varied and complex. For some, debt is caused by straightforward overspending, while for others it’s a result of life changes such as illness, divorce or job loss. Not all

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