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  1. annual_review_2013_2014.pdf

    ‘Living longer brings many things to the surface. I’m happy and contented in my life.’ Velda, 76 Our year Annual Review 2013/14 Age UK’s vision is for a world where everyone can love later life. We know it’s ambitious, because for many people growing older can bring challenges. But that doesn’t stop us being ourselves. We still want to laugh, love, be needed and keep doing the things that matter

  2. Operations Officer JD.pdf

  3. Utilities.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Utilities The person you’re helping may need support with paying for their energy or accessing emergency support during this

  4. Newsletter welsh v4.pdf

    Age Matters Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Haf 2020 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar 2 3 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Haf 2020 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn Haf 2020 Covid 19: Y stori hyd yn hyn gan Age Cymru Gan Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr, Mehefin 2020 Roedd dechrau Covid 19 yn sydyn

  5. ACAleaflet2016.pdf

  6. FS2.pdf

    Page 1 of 20 Factsheet 2 Buying retirement housing November 2023 About this factsheet This factsheet explains options and issues to consider if you are thinking about buying retirement housing. This is specialist housing for older people, which can be simply ‘age exclusive’ or also offer some level of support or care. General information about housing for older people and how to choose a

  7. FS56.pdf

    Page 1 of 28 Factsheet 56 Benefits for people under State Pension age April 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet has information about benefits for people under State Pension age (currently 66 years). It includes information about Universal Credit and how it affects people claiming other benefits and about disability and carers’ benefits. It explains how you can claim these benefits.

  8. IG23.pdf

    AgeUKIG23 What to do if you need care and support at home. Getting help at home. 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our Readers’ Panel. You don’t need any specialist knowledge at all. Join our Readers’ Panel at 2) Tell us your story. Have you been affected by any of the issues

  9. IG51.pdf

    AgeUKIG51 Getting your affairs in order and thinking about your care needs Thinking about end of life 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our Readers’ Panel. You don’t need any specialist knowledge at all. Join our Readers’ Panel at 2) Tell us your story. Have you been affected by

  10. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgarEnvis AGE Taflu goleuni ar gyflogaeth a phobl hŷn Rhif 15 2021/22 Erthyglau nodwedd Tudalen 2 Cyflwyniad – Victoria Lloyd Tudalen 4 Tueddiadau a heriau cyflogaeth ar gyfer ein gweithlu sy’n heneiddio – Dr Martin Hyde Tudalen 12 Sgiliau, gwybodaeth a phersbectif – mae busnes yn cydnabod manteision cefnogi staff dros 50 oed – Jill Salter a D’Yon Dowell Tudalen 16

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