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  1. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    sheltered accommodation felt that they had benefited from the move. They explained that their homes were warm and were easy to get about in. For example, a man using a day centre in Nottingham explained that

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    critical role in campaigning. Media coverage is perhaps one of the best pegs to hang your campaign on, to warm up your target audience and ensure your forum’s voice is heard. But it’s easier said than done. Some

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    Spread the Warmth campaign, we have delivered funding programmes and grants to help older people stay warm in winter. Our £180,000 of Winter Programmes grants to local Age UKs benefited more than 60,000 older

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    48338 Iron deficiency anaemia due to blood loss D213.00 16052 Refractory Anaemia D110100 49182 Primary warm-type haemolytic anaemia D201000 16108 Aplastic anaemia due to chronic disease D102200 49451 Drug-induced

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    mortality from ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, and all causes in warm and cold regions of Europe. The Lancet 1997;349(9062):1341-46. 47. Department of Health. 2009 Annual

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    mortality from ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, and all causes in warm and cold regions of Europe. The Lancet 1997;349(9062):1341-46. 47. Department of Health. 2009 Annual

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