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  1. IG17.pdf

    future. They should also ask you if there’s anything you want to be able to do, such as use public transport, and help you achieve this where possible. If you have a carer, the assessor should involve them

  2. Social care funding policy statement.pdf

    environment where older people live, including closures of community facilities and cuts to public transport routes, also have an impact upon the demand for social care. If we do nothing, the combination

  3. Employment and Contribution policy statement (September 2016).pdf

    with visual, auditory and cognitive impairment, or it could be something as simple as a lack of transport, or the timing of a meeting (if it is held late at night, many older people may be reluctant to

  4. Carers Guide (Eng) Nov 22.pdf

    providing personal care to the person you care for, help with household chores and shopping, and transport to appointments/clubs. One of their services is providing advice, information and practical support

  5. IG01.pdf

    to get money out. I don’t like doing it on the street.” Mick, 74 32 On public transport • Try to wait for public transport in busy, well-lit areas. • If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t feel

  6. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    community without environmental or social barriers to prevent my participation” (8) TRANSPORT. ‘I can access the transport I need to help me get out and about’ Golden Thread Advocacy Programme The Golden

  7. FS24w.pdf

    they find walking hard, or buying a set of garden tools to be able to spend time gardening”25.  Transport, such as taxis.  Respite or temporary care in a care home.  Since April 2016, a long term / permanent ... payment to fund her membership as they enjoy swimming together...he also pays the community volunteer transport service, so he can travel with his wife to stay with their family in London whenever possible. He

  8. IG56.pdf

    can become harder to get out and do things, which can be very frustrating. There might be local transport services in your area – some local councils have Ring and Ride schemes, for instance. Your local

  9. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php?documentID=341 14 National travel survey 2010, Department for Transport, 2011 15 Walkaway pound report, Business Disability Forum, 2015 16 TNS survey for Age UK, April

  10. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    for older people of living on a low income can include loss of independence, difficulty accessing transport and participating in social activities and inability to keep warm or buy sufficient food. All of

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