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  1. FS21w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 21w  June 2024 Council Tax in Wales – information about the tax and help you might get towards your bill Factsheet 21w  June 2024 2 of 56 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 4 2 What is Council Tax? 4 3 Who has to pay the Council Tax? 5 3.1

  2. FS34.pdf

    Page 1 of 22 Factsheet 34 Attendance Allowance May 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet gives information about Attendance Allowance, a non- means-tested benefit for people over State Pension age (currently 66) who have care needs. It explains what Attendance Allowance is, the eligibility criteria, and how to make a claim. It explains what to do if you have a change of circumstance. If you

  3. Operations Officer JD.pdf

  4. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    Taflu goleuni ar fynd i’r afael ag unigrwydd ac arwahanu cymdeithasol ymysg pobl h n Erthyglau nodwedd Tudalen 2 Cyflwyniad – Victoria Lloyd Tudalen 4 Ni ddylai neb fod heb neb – profiadau pobl hyˆn o unigrwydd – Christopher Williams Tudalen 7 Unigrwydd yn ddiweddarach mewn oes: beth yw’r ffactorau risg? – Dr Deborah Morgan Tudalen 12 Gwrthsefyll unigrwydd ymhlith pobl hyˆn – blaenoriaethu a

  5. FS56.pdf

    Page 1 of 28 Factsheet 56 Benefits for people under State Pension age April 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet has information about benefits for people under State Pension age (currently 66 years). It includes information about Universal Credit and how it affects people claiming other benefits and about disability and carers’ benefits. It explains how you can claim these benefits.

  6. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    i Yn gynnes dros y gaeafAgeUKIG43 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Canllaw i gadw’n gynnes, diogel ac iach yn y gaeaf Iechyd a Lles ii Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf 1 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Gydag ychydig o baratoi, a thrwy ddilyn rhai awgrymiadau syml, gallwn helpu ein hunain i aros yn iach, yn ddiogel ac mor gyfforddus â phosibl y gaeaf hwn. Cynnwys Beth sydd yn y canllaw hwn 2 Paratoi

  7. FS62.pdf

    Page 1 of 26 Factsheet 62 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards March 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet looks at the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). These relate to people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions about their care and treatment, and who are deprived of their liberty in a care home or hospital. This factsheet covers what deprivation of liberty means, the

  8. FS87.pdf

    Page 1 of 30 Factsheet 87 Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance April 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet gives information about Personal Independence Payment (PIP), a non means-tested benefit for people under State Pension age who have a disability. State Pension age is currently 66 years. The factsheet also has information about Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

  9. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    Gwanwyn Festival Celebrating creativity in older age Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwanwyn: a potted history A national festival celebrating creativity in older age Covering the length and breadth of Wales Began in 2007 Over 3,500 events Over 75,000 people £250,000 issued to local community groups to take part 490 grants issued to local community groups 96% of participants would like to attend

  10. Gwanwyn_bro_Welsh.pdf

    Gŵyl Gwanwyn Dathlu creadigrwydd yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwanwyn: crynodeb o’i hanes Gŵyl genedlaethol yn dathlu creadigrwydd yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd Ar hyd a lled Cymru Dechreuodd yn 2007 Dros 3,500 o ddigwyddiadau Dros 75,000 o bobl £250,000 wedi’i roi i grwpiau cymunedol lleol i gymryd rhan 490 o grantiau wedi’u rhoi i grwpiau cymunedol lleol Hoffai 96% fynd i

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