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  1. Advocacy Services in Cardiff.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Cardiff In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below

  2. Advocacy Services in Carmarthenshire.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Carmarthenshire In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services

  3. Advocacy Services in Ceredigion.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Ceredigion In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services

  4. Advocacy Services in Denbighshire.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below. Advocacy Services in Denbighshire

  5. 20210419 Care Home Visiting profile.pdf

    1 Visitor Support Volunteer This is an exciting role that has been designed to help care homes welcome visitors in line with Covid-19 rules. After a year in which visiting care homes has been significantly

  6. Welsh 20210419 Care Home Visiting profile.pdf

    1 Gwirfoddolwr Cefnogi Ymwelwyr Mae hon yn rôl gyffrous sydd wedi ei chynllunio i helpu cartrefi gofal wrth groesawi ymwelwyr gan ddilyn rheolau Covid-19. Mae ymweliadau â chartrefi gofal wedi cael

  7. Shopping.pdf

    essential items from the shops during this time. Here are a few basic precautions for handling shopping; 1. Follow social distancing protocol and don’t take unnecessary risks. 2. Don’t go into the house of the

  8. Care Home Visiting profile - English - amended Dec 2021.pdf

    1 Visitor Support Volunteer This is an exciting role that has been designed to help care homes welcome visitors in line with Covid-19 rules. After a year in which visiting care homes has been significantly

  9. Tell me more consent WEL.pdf

    gwestiynau, cysylltwch â: Suzy Webster, Rheolwr Rhwydwaith Cartrefi Gofal 1. Rwy’n cytuno i gymryd rhan yn y prosiect Dywedwch Fwy ar Zoom (neu blatfform rhithwir arall) 2.

  10. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    any que stions, please contact:Suzy Webster, Care Home Network Manager 1. I ag ree to take part in the Tell Me More project on Zoom ( or other virtual platform)2. I agree that

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