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  1. RB_2014_Age_UK_Poverty_in_Later_Life.pdf

    ................................................. 12 Entering a low income after reaching State Pension Age ................................................................................. 13 Living on ... Statistics 1.6 million pensioners are in relative poverty, defined as having incomes below 60 per cent median income after housing costs (AHC) in 2011/12.1  14 per cent of women pensioners, compared to 13 per

  2. How to challenge a benefit decision

    If you think a decision made about your benefits is wrong, you can ask the office that made the decision to explain or reconsider. Challenging a benefit decision might sound daunting, but don't be put ... than you think. To challenge a benefit decision, you can ask for a mandatory reconsideration. Only after the outcome of a mandatory reconsideration can you make an appeal. Most decisions about benefits for

  3. Gift box appeal wording for the website.docx

    with gifts in our aim to help make this Christmas a little brighter. Christmas can be a lonely time for many older people who have no close family to visit over the festive period, we hope that having a ... someone who receives a friendship call from our Friend in Need telephone befriending service. How you can help Find a shoe box - Wrap the box and lid separately in Christmas paper, or you can use a festive

  4. Leave a legacy

    Leave a world less lonely With a gift to Age Cymru in your will, you can do so much to make sure older people have the support they deserve in the years to come. It's easy to continue supporting your favourite ... sure our loved ones are cared for. But through your will you can also leave something special to the many thousands of older people in Wales who have no one to turn to when times get tough. Gifts in wills

  5. FS46w.pdf

    (amended May 2024) 4 of 54 12.3 Carer’s Allowance 44 12.4 Pension Credit 44 12.5 Reductions in Council Tax 45 12.6 Help with the cost of heating and insulation 45 ... assistants who can visit you at home;  equipment and/or adaptations to your home; or  other non-residential social care services (such as day centres or respite care). This factsheet can be read in

  6. Save on water bills

    Unlike gas and electricity companies, you can only be supplied by your regional water company. You can’t switch to another water supplier. Water companies offer a variety of discount schemes for ... incomes or who are receiving certain benefits, such as Dŵr Cymru's HelpU tariff. If you have a water meter and you receive certain benefits (e.g. Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, Pension Credit, Income-related

  7. RB_April15_Vulnerability_resilience_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    findings written by the experts themselves, in an accessible style, to help inform those of us who are older, or who work with or on behalf of older people. The theme of this book is ‘Vulnerability and Resilience’ ... impacts. Conversely, there is also now good evidence to show that having good social networks as you age can serve to protect you against various health risks. The implication is clear: an effective health promotion

  8. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    and if you have further queries or questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Contact details can be found at the end of this document. 1.How is HOPE funded? HOPE is funded by Welsh Government under ... it can make. • HOPE has established a programme of training, workshops and events enabling advocates and other professionals across Wales to develop their skills and knowledge. 3. What support can HOPE

  9. RB_June14_financial_resilience_in_later_life.pdf

    Barclays, BlackRock and Mercer, for hosting the Financial Services Commission summit events • All those who wrote provocations for the summit events: BlackRock, Just Retirement, Mercer, the Resolution Foundation ... Research at the Chartered Insurance Institute, for his support throughout the Commission • Linda Lennard who wrote the summaries for the three summit events • Particular thanks for their input from: Martin Coppack

  10. Wwellbeing and advocacy excerise.pdf

    care, support and opportunities are available and use these to help me achieve my well-being. I can access the right information, when I need it, in the way I want it and use this to manage and improve ... I speak for myself and contribute to the decisions that affect my life, or have someone who can do it for me. 2

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