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  1. IG50.pdf

    more than £10,000 in savings, this will affect the amount you receive. If you have a disability, you care for someone, you have dependent children or you have certain housing costs, you might be eligible ... between 1 November and 31 March. • If you rent your home, you might get Housing Benefit to help towards paying your rent. • If you own your home, you might be eligible for help with housing costs, or

  2. Intergenerational falls prevention

    school’s was developed by the Falls Prevention Taskforce for Wales in conjunction with Age Cymru, Care and Repair Cymru, Age Connects Wales, Swansea Bay Health Board and Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board ... ‘incident scene’ Via this online scene children can spot potential trip hazards in the home and learn how they can be made safer. For non-VR headsets: For VR headsets:

  3. Various housing issues

    Wales – local authority or housing association homes Factsheet 63w: Finding private rented accommodation in Wales Factsheet 35w: Renting your home in Wales – rights or problems regarding ... 68w: Renting your home in Wales – rights if you are threatened with eviction Factsheet 67w: Home improvements and repairs for older people in Wales Park homes, also known as mobile homes, are single-storey

  4. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2016 5  Over 60% of LGB older people are not confident social care and support services will understand and meet their needs and over 40% are not confident mental health ... See family at least once a month 43% 76% Would turn to a friend if ill and needed help around the home 52% (women) 42% (men) 19% (women) 14% (men) Never take exercise 13% 28% Smoker 12% 20% (Social class

  5. FAW Briefing - 2021 - English.pdf

    our lives in so many ways but for the most vulnerable the impacts have been devastating. The Stay at Home and Stay Safe messages have been critical to the success of the public health campaign to fight the ... to social isolation, and levels of deconditioning have occurred associated with a sedentary Stay at Home message. Research undertaken by the Centre for Ageing Better and the Kings Fund, including experiences

  6. IG14.pdf

    active in a care home 13 Your health Eyesight, hearing and balance 14 Managing your medicines 18 Taking care of your feet 19 Keeping your bones strong 20 Around the home Asking for a care needs assessment ... assessment 24 Checking your home environment 25 Keeping safe at home 26 Getting a home safety check 28 Telecare 29 Steps to staying steady 30 What to do if you have a fall 32 Useful organisations 33 4 What this

  7. Support for scam victims

    Samaritans  helpline on 116 123 if you feel low or anxious and need someone to talk to. If you need care and support, you can contact your local council’s adult social services department . They can provide ... become victim to a scam. Look out for these warning signs: Unusual amounts of post or letters in their home Evidence of large cash withdrawals or multiple cheque payments Lack of money to pay for other things

  8. What to do when the weather's bad

     A bottle of water could be handy if the water supply is interrupted. Have torches handy around the home in case of a power cut.  And some spare batteries too. Keep emergency numbers nearby.  Call ... You can also register with your supplier so they'll call you in the event of a power cut. Take extra care if the ground is slippery.  Wear shoes with good grip and consider keeping salt and sand mixture

  9. Age Cymru - Avoiding slips, trips and falls leaflet - English.pdf

    into two sections. The first section gives tips and advice on how to reduce the risk of falling at home. The second is a self assessment form asking you about your general health and wellbeing. This will ... the risk of falling in the home There are many simple changes you can make around your home to reduce your risk of falling. In this booklet we will examine areas in the home and give you some handy tips

  10. FS43.pdf

    3.2 Debt 7 3.3 Disability 7 3.4 Employment 7 3.5 Equality and human rights 7 3.6 Health and social care 8 3.7 Housing 9 3.8 Immigration, nationality and asylum 9 3.9 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans issues ... fee agreements (CFA, or ‘no win, no fee’) 15 8 Solicitors 17 8.1 How to find a solicitor 17 8.2 Checklist of questions to ask a solicitor 17 9 Commercial non-solicitor organisations 18 10 Barristers 18

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