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  1. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery- May 2021.pdf

    friendly Wales Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery Survey Results May 2021 Contents Page 1. About this research 3 2. Accessing information ... lockdown 6 4. Challenges during lockdown 7 5. The impact of lockdown 9 6. Experience of accessing Health and Care services 10 7. Easing of lockdown 18 8. Challenges of moving out of lockdown 19 9. Support needed

  2. Volunteer roles face to face.pdf

    sessions designed to help tackle social isolation, while providing fun and companionship. As for all our roles, we provide full training and ongoing support. To find out more about volunteering, including the ... involved in the technical aspects of running an online session, which are usually run via Zoom – Setting up sessions and being in control of the online meeting (for example, admitting participants to the meeting)

  3. Tell me more - care home resident engagement project

    by Welsh Government is all about reaching into care home settings and hearing from the residents so they can share their experiences and hopes for the future.

  4. Bereavement Support Payment

    Bereavement Support Payment, Bereavement Allowance, Widowed Parent's Allowance, and Bereavement Payment - eligiblity criteria, and how to claim.

  5. Pension Credit

    Information about the two parts of pension credit: Savings Credit and Guarantee Credit, and how much money pension credit will give you

  6. Help us tackle loneliness

    a crisis in the UK. Being lonely affects your health, your wellbeing and the way you see yourself. It can make you feel invisible and forgotten.

  7. Good Practice Guide v4.pdf

    families, unpaid carers and care staff supporting a person moving to live in a care home. 2 Age Cymru: Making relationships count Introduction This guide focuses on the practical and emotional issues people ... support someone to move into a care home. It aims to raise awareness of the needs of older carers and the value of engaging them as experts in the care of the person they care for. It also provides insights

  8. AC_Flyer_ WEL_06_2021_2.pdf

    wrth ein bodd yn cysylltu â rhai o’ch preswylwyr i weld sut maen nhw’n ymdopi ar hyn o bryd, drwy Zoom. Mae cael sgwrs yn gallu bod o gymorth gwirioneddol i lesiant yn gyffredinol, ond hoffem ni hefyd ... Byddwn yn trefnu galwad Zoom ar adeg sy’n gyfleus i chi, bydd angen i ofalwr fod yn bresennol hefyd, a bydd angen caniatâd arnon ni i recordio’r alwad. Felly beth am gysylltu drwy Zoom! Fel diolch, bydd y

  9. Walking Groups

    led by friendly, specially trained volunteers who will provide support and encouragement, and make sure no one gets left behind and walks at a pace comfortable for them.

  10. No one should have no one - tackling loneliness

    Loneliness and isolation are a daily reality for many older people – 75,000 older people in Wales have reported ‘always or often’ feeling lonely. Age Cymru believes loneliness and isolation should be recognised ... recognised and treated as a public health priority.

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