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  1. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    Advocacy • Carers • Advocacy for People with dementia (whether it comes under IPA or not) • Paid RPR • Young people’s advocacy 18-25 years’ old 25 Q16. Who are your client group(s)? Answer Options Response Percent

  2. FS29w.pdf

    more than one living room, so that there is a quiet room as well as one with a television?  Are young children welcome to visit?  Are there other residents who share similar interests or background to

  3. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    irrespective of savings. 3.7 It should be noted that state help for those in retirement housing too young for guarantee credit is much less generous than described here. Until recently, only people under

  4. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    contribution by campaigning, volunteering, working and learning. ‘My work keeps me happy and keeps me young.’ Harry, 80 Your health & care Your home Your community ‘When you are a child, age is just a number ... forced to flee from Syria to Jordan. 32 Age UK. Love later life ‘My work keeps me happy and keeps me young’. Harry, 80 33Report of Trustees and Annual Accounts 2013/14 Your community Age UK has estimated the

  5. FS89w.pdf

    who reside with them, or might reasonably be expected to).  Someone who is aged 16 or 17; or “a young person 18 or over but under the age of 21” at risk of “sexual or financial exploitation”, or who has

  6. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    National Fraud Authority (NFA) showed that victims of fraud are diverse, including those who are young, educated and 02 Types of fraud and who is at risk 11 professional through to people who

  7. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    numbers of informal carers across England and Wales whilst London has the lowest (in part due to its young age demographic). The south west of England has seen the highest percentage increase in the last decade

  8. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    life expectancy. This means people underestimate longevity risk and overestimate the risk of dying young. This could make them reluctant to purchase an annuity or more likely to take out more money in the

  9. forum resource manual v4.pdf

    the church here on Sunday. The service isn’t a luxury – it ensures that pensioners and people with young children have freedom to travel.” Llanfair Pensioners Group will be encouraging people to sign a petition

  10. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    welfare transfers to older people. The report says “The increasing value of mortgages held by the young and the rising property wealth of older cohorts indicate a transfer of wealth has taken place: the

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