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  1. Shopping.pdf

    Take care when handling any items which may be given to people who may have compromised immune systems. The virus can live on inanimate surfaces for up to 24 hours. 12. Disinfect any surface that will

  2. Maniffesto 2021.pdf

    pennu a’u rhannu trwy Gymru i gyd. Ariannu gofal cymdeithasol Rydym eisiau sicrhau bod gan Gymru system gofal cymdeithasol sy’n addas i’r diben ac sy’n diwallu anghenion pobl hŷn, heb iddi gosbi pobl yn ... yn ariannol pan fônt angen cymorth mewn argyfwng. Cred Age Cymru y byddai’n decach cael system lle sicrheir bod gwasanaethau gofal yn cael eu darparu’n rhad ac am ddim ar yr adeg y’u defnyddir, yn yr

  3. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    needs. 2. We see older people facing various energy-related difficulties, including broken heating systems, metering and billing disputes, health conditions requiring high energy usage, and difficulty switching ... circumstances, but also to spot the signs of customers going through them. Suppliers should then test their systems to make sure they have anticipated and developed appropriate responses to all reasonably foreseeable

  4. CRS_Jan17_ FCA_Mission_Statement_2017.pdf

    consumers in vulnerable circumstances. However, to look only at vulnerability risks missing major systemic issues such as mortgage endowments. FCA should not assume that ‘competition is for rational consumers ... think the way we interpret our objective to protect and enhance the integrity of the UK financial system is appropriate? Are there other aspects you think we should include? Q7: Do you think our intervention

  5. RB_July16_Walking_the_tightrope.pdf

    emergencies and transitions 15 Self-Employment 16 Barriers in the system 16 Inadequate care and support services 16 Disincentives in the benefits system 17 Pull factors for work 18 2. Patterns of work and care ... access to care services 37 Improving work support for carers 37 Removing disincentives in the benefits system 38 5. Recommendations Improving access to flexible working 41 Working on attitudes and awareness

  6. Age Cymru - Why are we still waiting - Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023 - web.pdf

    people waiting and the information they receive continues to need improvement. 4. Data collection systems are still not able to effectively monitor and report on the levels of delays in access to assessment ... long-term conditions is increasing. The financial pressures facing local authorities are putting systems under severe pressure. Though the population continues to grow and age, the provision of adult community-based

  7. 17012023 - Duty of Quality - Age Cymru response.pdf

    guidance clear about how the Quality standards 2023 will support development of the quality management system and assessment of progress with the duty of quality? - Yes Question 13 Do you think the incorporation ... areas within Wales5. Although these inequalities will be influenced by wider factors, a more robust system of sharing examples of good practice between health boards could help to reduce them and make sure

  8. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf

    undoubtedly a case for reform of the current system we do not support the proposals in their current form because we believe they are in many ways as complex as the system they would replace and depend for their ... the funding restrictions within the social care sector is a major barrier to improving the current system. We recommend granting the courts the power to veto arrangements that are manifestly not in a person’s

  9. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    and community mean that immediate support for those individuals, as well as long term change in the system is needed urgently. 5) More resource needs to be focused on supporting people to wait well within ... August 2022 3 Recommendations Recommendation 1 Local authorities should use the same case management system and ensure data captured is consistent across all of Wales. This will also assist with those who

  10. AG170718 - WELSH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    reswm, bydd amrywiaeth o systemau casglu data’n cael eu defnyddio. Ar ddechrau’r broses o ddefnyddio system newydd o weithio, mae dealltwriaeth glir o ba ddata sydd i’w gasglu, dealltwriaeth glir o sut mae ... gasglu ac felly mae’n anhysbys.  Rhyddhau o'r ysbyty yn fater mawr.  Nid yw pobl yn mynd drwy’r system yn briodol ac nid ydynt yn manteisio ar wasanaethau eiriolaeth.  Bwlch cydnabyddedig o ran diwallu

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