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  1. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    question such as ‘What’s your favourite bird?’ Next, talk to your residents about their memories of birds, the sounds different birds make, and about the different sayings that feature birds: ‘Like a duck ... duck to water’ ‘Wise as an owl’ ‘ What’s good for the goose is good for the gander’ Any words, memories or stories can be displayed on paper, written into a short poem or made into a bird-shaped mobile

  2. Equalities and diversity monitoring form.docx

    ConfidenceEQUALITIES AND DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM Age Cymru is strongly committed to equality and diversity. This commitment is fundamental to the achievement of Age Cymru’s vision and objectives. So that ... anonymised monitoring form. The information gained from this form will be used for evaluation purposes only. If you would rather not answer the questions posed under any of the headings please simply leave

  3. FS63.pdf

    the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 4 3 Introduction – the private rented sector 7 4 Welsh Government information on renting a home 8 5 Where to find private rented accommodation 9 6 Viewing the property ... it is suitable 9 7 Types of occupation contracts 11 7.1 Standard occupation contracts 11 7.2 Secure occupation contracts (rare in the private

  4. FS92.pdf

    claim it. The information in this factsheet is correct for the period April 2024 to March 2025. Benefit rates are reviewed annually and uprated in April, but rules and figures can change during the year. The ... The rules for claiming Universal Credit have changed many times since its introduction and continue to be amended regularly. This factsheet aims to provide a general overview of the key aspects to Universal

  5. 20211108 HOPE Marketing Brief - final.pdf

    Brief November 2021 1. Who are we? Age Cymru is the national Charity for older people in Wales, we work with our five local Age Cymru partners to improve the lives of older people in Wales. We’ve a shared ... services available in our local communities. HOPE is a partnership project between Age Cymru, Age Cymru local partners and Age Connects Wales partners across the whole of Wales. 2. What are we marketing?

  6. Armed Forces pensions

    their lives. Our research suggests almost one in five (17%) veterans in Wales who could be entitled to the Armed Forces pension aren’t claiming. That’s money which could help towards a better quality ... proud people who may not like making claims. But eligible veterans have already paid into the pension scheme, so it is therefore rightfully theirs to claim. We are also encouraging veterans who believe they

  7. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_080216.pdf

    Foulkes, Fiona Bruce MP, Lord Lipsey, Steve McCabe MP, John Pugh MP and Robin Walker MP. Chair of the meeting: Nusrat Ghani MP Guest Speakers: Gregor Henderson, Public Health England, Cllr Jonathan McShane ... Cox. Introduction: Nusrat Ghani MP welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the running order. Guest Speakers: Nusrat Ghani MP introduced the first speaker, Gregor Henderson, National Lead for Mental

  8. Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a new benefit gradually being introduced nationally. It will eventually replace a number of existing benefits.

  9. CRS_Nov16_Managing_medicines_for_adults_receiving_social_care_in_the_community.pdf

    Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community Consultation on draft NICE Guideline [GID-MANAGINGMEDICINESCOMMUNITYSOCIALCARE] Ref: 3916 Date: November 2016 All rights ... may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Name:

  10. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    AFFORDABILITY OF RETIREMENT HOUSING IN THE UK SEPTEMBER 2012 HANNAH ALDRIDGE, PETER KENWAY AND JENNY PANNELL Affordability of retirement housing in the UK 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Summary 3 Research ... with costs in retirement housing for pensioners ............................ 4 Which pensioners pay the extra costs in retirement housing? ....................... 4 Conclusions .........................

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