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  1. GCBH_Sleep-Brain-Connection.pdf

    example, if you are sleeping 7 hours, you should only be in bed 7.5 hours, not 9-10 hours. 3. A regular warm bath may be beneficial 2-3 hours before bedtime. 4. Wearing socks to bed may be beneficial if you ... Sleep for People with Dementia 1. Keep the temperatures in the bedroom comfortable—not too cool or warm—while sleeping. 2. If you assist a non-mobile person with dementia to bed, make sure that they get

  2. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    safe at home. We campaign for warmer homes and provide practical support to enable people to stay warm in winter, help people remain at home for as long as possible by offering tailored products, such ... Accounts 2013/14 Your home Older people should be able to live safely and with dignity in good quality, warm housing that meets their individual needs, free from exploitation or abuse. But too many people in

  3. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    skip=1&lang=cy 3Deunyddiau Hyfforddi Hyb Gwybodaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru 8 2 Y gofynion a’r gweithdrefnau deddfwriaethol Ffigur 2: Swyddogaethau

  4. FS46w - Welsh.pdf

    brosesu’r prawf modd. Gellir dod o hyd i gopi ar wefan Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru ar: Rhaid i’r awdurdod lleol hefyd gyhoeddi gwybodaeth am eu gweithdrefn codi ffioedd a ffioedd

  5. FS46w.pdf

    and part 4 (Meeting needs) can be found on the Social Care Wales website at: Factsheet 46w  April 2024 (amended May 2024)

  6. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    savings cards, as described in the following case study. 16 30 31 RBS and NatWest – accessible debit and savings cards The RBS and

  7. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    rhagor o wybodaeth am Gyflogwyr i Ofalwyr, ewch i: * Cyfieithwyd o’r Saesneg. 22 Nid yw’n gyfrinach bod gweithwyr hŷn wedi wynebu cyfnodau andwyol ac

  8. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    rhagor o wybodaeth am Gyflogwyr i Ofalwyr, ewch i: * Cyfieithwyd o’r Saesneg. 22 Nid yw’n gyfrinach bod gweithwyr hŷn wedi wynebu cyfnodau andwyol ac

  9. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    Adnoddau Oed Gyfeillgar Heneiddio’n Dda yng Nghymru: Future of ageing: Ageing in Wales – a European perspective (UK Govt):

  10. RB_July17_Testing_Promising_Approaches_Technical_Annex.pdf

    loneliness pilots (and can be found at

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