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  1. FS35.pdf

    8 of 36 Further information on the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 The Welsh Government has a section on their website on the new legislation, including specific pages aimed at contract-holders ... -increases (last accessed 11 July 2023). 4 A copy of the RHW12 form can be found on the Welsh Government’s website at: Factsheet 35w  July 2023

  2. Get winter ready with Age Cymru and Nest

    What is Get Ready for Winter? Get Ready for Winter is a campaign led by Age Cymru and the Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme to help older people in Wales prepare for the colder months ahead. The rise ... help make that a reality.  Find out more about what Age Cymru do How can Nest help? The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme aims to make homes warmer and more energy-efficient places to live. Nest

  3. Pension scams

    it’s a workplace pension, you may need your employer’s agreement to do so. In January 2019, the UK Government banned pension cold-calling. As such, nuisance calls about pensions are now illegal. If you receive ... Commissioner's Office . Never be fooled by an impressive website offering advice. Instead, visit the government’s  Pension Wise website for free and impartial guidance on your pension options. It

  4. Social care funding policy statement.pdf

    budgets. The question of funding social care can be broken down into two parts: funding provided by government for statutory social care services; and the financial contribution that individuals are required ... awareness of this facility and its conditions should be improved, and all Councils and other interested bodies should promote it when people are considering moving into a care home.  Age Cymru’s principles

  5. FS5w.pdf

    8 of 26 Further information The Welsh Government have further information on NHS dental charges on their website at: ... the capital limit in regard to care home means testing has increased significantly to £50k, Welsh Government information indicates that the capital limit for the Low Income Scheme remains at £24k:

  6. Life on a low income

    delivering £13 million in extra entitlements in 2012/13. We believe more should be done by the Welsh Government and local authorities to make sure these services are available to all older people across Wales

  7. FS8w.pdf

    is fit for human habitation. Further information on the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 The Welsh Government has a section on their website on the legislation, including specific pages aimed at contract-holders ... authorities (i.e. council flats or houses); or  housing associations registered with the Welsh Government. As mentioned in section 2 above, both local authority landlords and housing association landlords

  8. Help with the cost of living

    increasing costs. Welfare benefits and entitlements – could you be missing out? The Welsh Government's Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) Ofgem Price Cap on energy bills Importance of meter readings ... you’re only entitled to a small amount) can help you qualify for other benefits, entitlements and government help. There are also some benefits specifically to help with bills in the winter, such as the Winter

  9. How your benefits are means-tested

    means-tested benefit. This level is an estimate of the amount you need to live on and is set by the government. If your income and capital are greater than this level then you may not be eligible to claim

  10. Staying safe online

    different. There are also websites which are set up to look like a copy of a service offered by government websites. For example, there are websites which offer to help you apply for a passport renewal ... rather than going directly through the official government department. If you aren’t sure about which website to use, go through  GOV.UK , the Government’s official website, to find what you need. Email

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