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  1. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    need their locality to be successful and sustainable. That means having the jobs and homes to allow young people and families to live there too. Only if all of this happens, will rural England be a place

  2. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    ging Love Letters Challenge, by organized a Valentine’s Day Campaign challenging young adults to send a card to an older adult. See: https://www.dosomething. org/us/campaigns/love-letters-challenge

  3. FS67.pdf

    to prepare and cook food or store fuel or refuse;  provision of a separate bedroom for children/young people depending on their age/gender;  repairs to heating systems; or  repairs to unsafe structural

  4. GCBH_Sleep-Brain-Connection.pdf

    deprivation experiments indicates that fewer hours of sleep and fragmented sleep appear to affect young adults more than middle-aged and older adults. Even taking into account the mixed results of the sleep

  5. RB_Feb16_Older_people_and_power_loss_floods_and_storms.pdf

    information to determine if you need priority attention, such as if you are ill, disabled, elderly or have young children.’ 40 The National Flood Forum’s ‘Charter for Flood Friendly Insurance’ calls on insurers

  6. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Eng.pdf

    dark streets, alleyways, underpasses and crowded areas, particularly where there were numbers of young people, led to anxiety and avoidance. Poorly maintained streets and roads often led to falls amongst

  7. Discrimination, Human Rights and Welsh language rights public policy statement - September 2022.pdf

    services and social care.85 Follow-on strategic frameworks included seven priority areas: children and young people; older people; people with learning disabilities; mental health service users; people living

  8. Age Cymru - Older people in Wales - facts and statistics 2021.pdf

    cognitive decline, in the UK wellbeing is consistently found to be higher in later life than among young or middle-aged adults.46  English Longitudinal Survey of Ageing suggests women aged 80 and over are

  9. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    information to determine if you need priority attention, such as if you are ill, disabled, elderly or have young children.’ 40 The National Flood Forum’s ‘Charter for Flood Friendly Insurance’ calls on insurers

  10. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    can provide good service for its oldest customers, it can provide excellent service for all. The young and the middle-aged navigate the same systems as older people, but may have greater resilience in

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