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  1. RB_May14_CPA_Changing_family_structures.pdf

    E.  and A. Davey (eds.), Caregiving Contexts: Cultural,  Familial, and Societal Implications, New York, NY:  Springer : 235‐267  Family care for old people is the most common form of care in all European countries ... integrated family policy for the EU.  Kiernan K and Wicks M (1990) Family change and  future policy, York: Joseph Rowntree Memorial  Trust : 48 pp  Considers the effects of change in family life on care of dependents

  2. Age Cymru Hope Project Leaflet NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - update Dec22.pdf

    advice, or attending tribunals • Financial planning, giving financial advice, handling money or shopping • Befriending, counselling or mediation • Legal advocacy or acting as an executor of a will. Creating

  3. CRS_June16_secondary_annuity_market_proposed_rules_and_guidance.pdf

    requirement; given a recommendation to take advice and/or Pension Wise guidance; given a recommendation to shop around; and b. that annuity providers should check that legally required ‘appropriate advice’ has ... outset, and that consumers should be encouraged to shop around (bearing in mind understanding of the behavioural impact of the way in which ‘shopping around’ is communicated). However we continue to

  4. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    are people living in general needs HA who develop dementia able to keep close to their community (shops, temple, or similar)? What are the local supportive factors? • Are processes for adaptations inclusive

  5. IG17.pdf

    concerned about the person at the door – you’ll be connected to someone who can help you. Many DIY shops and high street retailers stock wireless doorbells and video entry systems, which a family member

  6. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    activity. This included £4.6 million from a six-week Age International stock appeal in Age UK’s 443 shops. Age International also raised funds from UK institutions. We secured £573,000 from UKAid for the

  7. RB_April15_Vulnerability_resilience_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    affordability. The problem is that ICT is slowly replacing centuries-old conventions and habits: online shopping and banking mean that you no longer need to leave the house to carry out certain core transactions; ... This can be accessed at: HousingExtraCare/ExtraCareStrategy/SHOP/ SHOPAT What older people want The Housing & Ageing Alliance, a coalition of organisations (including

  8. CRS_Sept17_Ofgem_default_tariffs_for_domestic_customers.pdf

    away from SVTs may reduce their perception of getting a poor deal. We suggest Ofgem conduct mystery shopping to see how well suppliers are encouraging and helping customers on rollover fixed tariffs get onto ... deals’. 8

  9. RB_Oct16_Hidden_in_plain_sight_older_peoples_mental_health.pdf

    Age UK family also includes Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI. We run just over 450 Age UK charity shops throughout the UK and also offer a range of commercial products tailored to older people. www.ageuk ... herself, the thought of doing so without a trolley became an unrealistic prospect for her. Her weekly shop was ordered by her grand-daughter and delivered to her home – the world outside of her flat seemed

  10. English Manifesto.pdf

    children. Until recently, she would walk her dog every day and enjoyed catching the bus to the local shopping precinct, library and café. Olwen suffers with arthritis which can limit her mobility. Cuts to local

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