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  1. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    trying to access GP services, reasons given included how some GP practices still using appointment systems requiring people to phone when the surgery opens in the morning in the hope of getting an appointment ... for weeks, before an appointment was available. In addition to improvements needed in appointment systems, many GP practices still rely on paper prescriptions that carry a large time burden for GPs that

  2. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    (Wales) Bill 2019. System-wide working and person-centred care According to the Explanatory Memorandum, one purpose of the Bill is to ensure that improving quality becomes a system-wide way of working ... 2014, there is no duty on the NHS and LAs to cooperate on quality across the health and social care systems. We believe that this is a missed opportunity for addressing cross-boundary service quality issues

  3. IG23.pdf

    you have sight problems. • If you have any hearing loss, you can get flashing doorbells and smoke alarms. You can find a lot on the high street or online, or you can use the Living Made Easy website (page ... personal alarm, which lets you call for help if you’re unwell or have a fall and can’t reach a telephone. Other examples of telecare include: • sensors that detect if you’ve fallen and raise an alarm • fire

  4. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    This is not just a problem for older people but for everyone in those areas. Technology keeps the system working and many technological advances would be beneficial to older people. Driverless cars, for ... Reconnections in Worcestershire. Its goal is to reduce the cost of loneliness on the health and care system by providing a sustainable spectrum of ‘reconnection’ for people back in to their local communities

  5. Cost of caring for an ageing population - January 2018.pdf

    earlier point. Carers play a vital role, both economically and socially. The health and social care systems simply could not cope without them. Reliance on carers is not a sustainable basis for meeting growing ... growing demand. Without adequate support for carers, pressures on the NHS and the social care system can only continue to grow. 10. Age Cymru believes that the Welsh Government must make greater provision

  6. Shopping.pdf

    Take care when handling any items which may be given to people who may have compromised immune systems. The virus can live on inanimate surfaces for up to 24 hours. 12. Disinfect any surface that will

  7. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    have to bear the extra cost needed for a supported will merely because they are disabled, instead a system similar to that for Independent Mental Capacity Advocates should be established.  While we agree ... will making We agree with the Law Commission’s proposals for a supported will making system. We believe that a system which will help people with limited or fluctuating capacity to make a valid will is

  8. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    services involved, there will, understandably, be a variety of data collection systems used. At the outset of any new system of working, a clear understanding of what data is to be collected, a clear understand ... collected so this is unknown.  Hospital discharge is a big issue.  People not going through the system properly and not accessing advocacy services.  Recognised gap in meeting people’s needs from a

  9. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    earlier point. Carers play a vital role, both economically and socially. The health and social care systems simply could not cope without them. Reliance on carers is not a sustainable basis for meeting growing ... growing demand. Without adequate support for carers, pressures on the NHS and the social care system can only continue to grow. 10. Age Cymru believes that the Welsh Government must make greater provision

  10. RB_March17_Age_UK_briefing_Budget.pdf

    latest count), but also having an increasingly serious knock-on effect on the rest of our healthcare system. In the event, the Chancellor proposed funding of £2bn over 3 years and announced plans for a Green ... anxiety that today's emergency funding package, welcome though it is, may not be enough to keep the system going until a new, sustainable approach is put in place.’ “In recent months different experts have

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