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  1. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    older people – particularly those with no private transport. 8 Transport Key facts 35 per cent of pensioner households in rural areas have no access to a car or van.9 In 2009, only 47 per cent of households ... dependent on private transport. Car ownership is greater in rural areas, however more than a third of pensioner households have no access to a car or van, and some have given up driving because of ill health

  2. Carers Guide ENG (Jan 23).pdf

    unpaid carers provide 96% of all care provided in our communities in Wales, and that collectively they save public services a massive £8 billion each year. Providing care for someone can sometimes be difficult ... benefit calculator you’ll need accurate information about your: • Savings • Income, including your partner’s income • Existing benefits and pensions (including anyone living with you) • Outgoings such as rent/mortgage

  3. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2012_2013.pdf

    and fairer deal for State Pensions and we were pleased that in January 2013 the Government published a White Paper outlining a single-tier State Pension for future pensioners that will take effect in ... result we have exceptional restructuring costs in our accounts this year, but these will lead to savings of several million pounds over the next few years. Age UK’s achievements this year would not have

  4. IL6.pdf

    taking out equity release, either by using some of the money you release or by other means, such as savings. 10 Seeking legal and financial advice. When thinking about equity release, it’s tempting to get ... your area. Retirement advisers can also advise on possible alternatives to equity release – such as savings and investments. 11 Different types of equity release. There are two main types of equity release:

  5. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - English lang.pdf

    the UK, up to £5 billion in Pension Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit goes unclaimed by older people. Rising living costs are also causing hardship for pensioners. Take a look at the guides ... claiming benefits for people over pension age If you’re over 60, you could be entitled to benefits and concessions you haven’t been able to claim before such as Pension Credit, Winter Fuel Payment, Attendance

  6. CRS_April16_Submission_FCA_paper_on_ageing_population_and_financial_services.pdf

    because of different switching behaviour.  Ensuring an effective market in the new world of pensions must be a key priority given the extent of change and impact on people throughout retirement.  ... throughout their lives and not simply whilst saving and at retirement.  Investment in providing more accessible information, improving existing guidance, such as Pension Wise, and developing a joined-advice journey

  7. CRS_July16_Carers_Strategy.pdf

    financial disadvantage, particularly as a result of their significantly lower levels of private pension saving than the wider population. The refreshed Carers Strategy should consider how to improve 5 support ... caring on their physical and mental health, income and leisure time. The impact of caring on income, pension accumulation and development of social networks can mean that caring at a younger age results in

  8. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    influential charity in Westminster. Our campaigning activities have focused on social care and pension reform and we have received significant media coverage about these and other matters affecting older ... ages resulted in a £1.2 billion concession from the Government during the consideration of the Pensions Bill. Age UK has been at the forefront of debate around our social care system, calling for an

  9. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    greater geographical dispersal, demands of the workplace (likely to increase with rising State Pension age) and a reliance on older carers, often experiencing poor health themselves, all impact on the ... State pension changes aimed at ensuring that carers who have missed National Insurance Contributions are able to obtain a full state pension, should apply to people who reached the state pension age before

  10. FS5w.pdf

    Entitlement to free treatment, or help towards the cost of the treatment, is based on your income and savings. 2 Ibid Factsheet 5w  April 2024 ... you, or your partner, receive certain means-tested benefits, including the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit. Note: You will need to show your award letter for the above when you visit the dentist

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