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  1. RB_July15_Dementia_friendly_resources_guide.pdf

    1 Dementia Friendly Resource Guide 2 The Dementia Friendly Programme was funded by the Department of Health Strategic Partnership programme from 2012–2013 and then by the Big Lottery Fund from 2013–2015 ... This Resource Guide has been compiled as a useful starting point for individuals and organisations that are interested in working to become dementia friendly. The guide also has a wide range

  2. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    cultural and social activity contributing to community wellbeing and prosperity. About this guide This guide is a tool to support local dialogue in communities – with older people, decision makers and ... grow older’, and this guide suggests five themes which local communities will need to address to unlock the potential of their ageing population. Source: Global Age Friendly Cities Guide, WHO, 2007. Age friendly

  3. Carers Guide WELSH (Jan 23).pdf

    Taflen Wybodaeth 34: Lwfans Gweini - globalassets/age-cymru/documents/information-guides-and-factsheets/fs34.pdf Lwfans Gofalwr Lwfans Gofalwyr yw’r prif fudd-dal i ofalwyr, a gallech dderbyn ... Cymru ar Lwfans Gofalwr: https://www.ageuk. fs55.pdf Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru 13 Cymorth gyda’r

  4. Carers Guide (Cym) Nov 22.pdf

    Taflen Wybodaeth 34: Lwfans Gweini - globalassets/age-cymru/documents/information-guides-and-factsheets/fs34.pdf Lwfans Gofalwr Lwfans Gofalwyr yw’r prif fudd-dal i ofalwyr, a gallech dderbyn ... Cymru ar Lwfans Gofalwr: https://www.ageuk. fs55.pdf Cymorth gyda’r Dreth Gyngor Cynllun gostyngiadau’r Dreth Gyngor ar

  5. RB_15_Age_Opportunity_Best_Practice_Guide_for_Recruiters.pdf

    Recruitment & Employment Confederation Age opportunity A best practice guide for recruiters An ageing population, the end of forced retirement and a rising State Pension age, mean there is a growing number ... Workers, Department for Work and Pensions (2015) Employing Older Workers: An employer’s guide to multi-generational workforce, Department for Work and Pensions (2013) DWP Employer Toolkit:

  6. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide - Welsh.pdf

  7. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers-Welsh FINAL.pdf

    Care & Repair Cymru Canllawiau i Ofalwyr ar Gwympiadau Yn aml eu perthnasau neu ofalwyr anffurfiol fydd yn canfod pobl hŷn neubobl fregus sydd mewn risg o gwympo neu sydd eisoes wedi cwympo. Bydd eu cymorth i drin sefyllfaoedd neu atal cwympiad yn hollbwysig. Wyddech chi? • • Bod pobl hŷn sydd wedi cwympo ymhlith y tri phrif reswm pam y gelwir ambiwlans. • • Os ydych wedi cwympo

  8. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide – English.pdf

    • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Since the original publication of this guide, COVID-19 has become a major health emergency, including for this winter. The situation with COVID-19 may be subject to frequent ... of the basic measures for protecting yourself are similar to the advice for flu contained in our guide, such as washing your hands regularly or using hand sanitizer. However, there are also additional

  9. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers FINAL.pdf

    Care & Repair Cymru A Top Tips Falls Guide for Carers It is often family or informal carers that will come across older or vulnerable people at risk of a fall or having already fallen. Their assistance ... not to reduce the quality of life, but to clearly consider the balance of risks. A Top Tips Falls Guide for Carers Assessing Simple Falls Risks and Helping Prevent a Fall If you have an underlying condition

  10. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide - English.pdf

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