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People also search for: options for care, £50 for over 60’s, £200 government payment autumn 2022

  1. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2022.pdf

    Eiriolaeth Rhifyn Rhif 5 Hydref 2022 Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Eiriolaeth Cynhelir y bumed Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Eiriolaeth flynyddol (#AAW22) eleni rhwng 7 a 11 Tachwedd 2022. Bydd y thema eleni yn dangos sut ... fywydau'r bobl sy'n ei ddefnyddio. Sector Eiriolaeth Oedolion Cymru: "Digwyddiadau Mawr" Rhithwir 2022 Yn dilyn llwyddiant y digwyddiad mawr rhithiol ar gyfer eiriolaeth yn 2020 a 2021, bydd tîm HOPE yn

  2. Falls Awareness Week 2022 FINAL.pdf

    you need it 3. Do you want to do something to help stop you falling again? Falls Awareness Week 2022 Falls are not an inevitable consequence of growing older… There are lots of things you can do to reduce ... Ydych chi eisiau gwneud rhywbeth i’ch helpu rhag cwympo eto? Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Atal Cwympiadau 2022 Nid yw cwympiadau yn rhan anochel o heneiddio... Mae llawer o bethau y gallwch eu gwneud i ostwng

  3. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Transport January 2022 Summary Public and community transport are vitally important in helping older people to maintain independence and well-being. Such transport ... address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©Age Cymru 2022. 79 Climate change: M4 drivers asked for views on tolls for older cars - BBC News

  4. Covid Survey 2022 WELSH - 040322.docx

    Profiadaupresennolpobl50oed a throsoddyngNghymruobandemig Covid-19Creu CymruoedgyfeillgarMae’r arolwg hwn yn dilyn yr ail arolwg a gynhaliwyd gennym rhwng mis ChwefroramisEbrill2021argyferpobl50oed a throsodd ledled Cymru. Mae’n cael ei wneud gan sefydliadau allweddol sy’ncynrychiolipoblhŷn. Mae’n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru aceraillynclywedganboblhŷnameu profiadau o bandemig Covid-19 a’r

  5. LLP Price List February 2022.pdf

  6. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter Issue No 4 March 2022 HOPE Project news HOPE Quality Performance Mark Age Cymru has been awarded the Advocacy Quality Performance Mark (QPM) from the National Development Team ... delivered a number of sessions for the HOPE project and will continue to support the HOPE project through 2022. Qualia Law is a member of Advice UK and is funded by the Charities Aid Foundation the National

  7. Winter 2022 Newsletter welsh web.pdf

    Age Matters Cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru Argraffiad Cynhesrwydd y Gaeaf 2022 Creating an age friendly Wales Ffyrdd ymarferol a chost-effeithiol ... wybodaeth cysylltwch ag Age Cymru. 2 The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Winter Warmth edition 2022 Cadw’ch cartref yn gynnes Ceisiwch gynhesu eich cartref i dymheredd cyson a chyfforddus drwy gydol

  8. Autumn 2022 Newsletter ENG v6.pdf

    Age Matters The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Autumn Edition 2022 Creating an age friendly Wales Welcome to this busy autumn edition ... edition of Age Matters By Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive, October 2022 As the nights draw in and the leaves start to turn, it is inevitable that we start to think about winter. This edition you can find

  9. Developing a Social Prescribing Framework October 2022.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Developing a Social Prescribing Framework Welsh Government October 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales ... knowledge, and skills to meet the needs of service users - Meet the needs of Welsh speakers 6 August 2022 Why are we Waiting? Delays in social care report available at

  10. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.pdf

    address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2022 Your details will be kept on a secure database, and we will not share your details with any organisations

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