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People also search for: £75 cost of living payment, zero hours, young onset dementia

  1. Register for a friendship call

    Register for a friendship call

  2. Volunteer as a telephone befriender

    Volunteer as a telephone befriender

  3. How we make a difference

    Cymru makes a difference to the lives of older people in Wales. We're very grateful to Matthew Rhys for doing the voice over. How you can help We need your help. Get involved and help us make a difference ... person in Wales today. Donate now How you can help We need your help. Get involved and help us make a difference to an older person in Wales today. Donate now For more information: Call Age Cymru on 029

  4. Become a Community Assistance Volunteer

    Assistance Project needs your help to support older people in your community. We have a range of volunteering roles to suit a variety of interests and time commitments.

  5. 01_Knit_A_Rainbow_DIGITAL.pdf

    knit a rainbow needles 4mm wool colours level knitted bobble hat This hat has got it all. Colours of the rainbow, that is. If you want to send any pots of gold you find to us directly, we’re totally fine ... you knit it: Cast on 31 sts in red. Knit two rows (garter st). Change to orange and beginning with a knit row continue in st as follows: 2 rows orange, 2 rows yellow, 2 rows green, 2 rows blue, 2 rows

  6. How to challenge a benefit decision

    If you think a decision made about your benefits is wrong, you can ask the office that made the decision to explain or reconsider. Challenging a benefit decision might sound daunting, but don't be put ... the process may be easier than you think. To challenge a benefit decision, you can ask for a mandatory reconsideration. Only after the outcome of a mandatory reconsideration can you make an appeal. Most

  7. Contact Age Cymru

    We're currently experiencing a very high number of enquiries to our service which means we cannot respond to people as quickly as we’d like to. At present, there is a two week delay in responding ... enquiries received by email or letter. Please be aware that during busy times, you may have to wait in the queue before your call is answered.  Write to us You can write to us at: Age Cymru Ground Floor

  8. Sign-up to receive a friendship call

    Sign-up to receive a friendship call

  9. How to find a good tradesperson

    Find a reputable tradesperson in your local area.

  10. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

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