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  1. How to trace lost money

    You may have policies or accounts you don't know about. This guide will show you how to trace lost assets.

  2. CRS_Jan12_rural_policy_functions.pdf

    1 Ref: 0112 Consultation on the new rural policy functions within Government and the proposed abolition of the Commission for Rural Communities 16 January 2012 All rights reserved. Third parties ... influencing or developing policy and practice. Name: Gemma Bradshaw Email: Age UK 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NB T 020 8765 7200 F 020 8765 7211 E www.ageuk

  3. 16 Volunteer policy_care home exemplar.pdf

    CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 Standard Operating Procedure Volunteer Policy [name of Care Home] Internal Document Details Document Number: Version: DRAFT Approval ... East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 Introduction 5 1. Definition of a Volunteer 5 Policy 6 1. Purpose 6 2. The Aims and Principles 6 Procedural Guidance 8 1. Recruitment and Selection 8

  4. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Loneliness May 2017 Note: This policy statement focuses on those community services and activities which facilitate the inclusion and participation of older people, which ... which can help overcome loneliness and isolation. Age Cymru has separate public policy statements on the built environment (which includes the provision of public toilets), community services and inclusion’

  5. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    judge has granted permission to proceed with a judicial review of a hospital’s Do not Resuscitate policy. The Cambridge University Hospitals NHS trust, to which Addenbrooke's belongs, and the Department ... Resuscitate notice was placed in his notes without consulting them in contravention of the trust's own policy and it was later taken out following objections. The family have asked the judge to rule that "all

  6. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Discrimination and Human Rights August 2016 Summary Negative attitudes towards older people and ageing are pervasive in our society. In common with most other forms of discrimination ... Despite the introduction of UK legislation in the form of the Equality Act 2010, and a significant policy framework in the devolved context, there is still much to be done if we are to achieve meaningful

  7. Housing policy statement March 2020.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Housing March 2020 Summary The housing needs of people may change as they get older, so it is important that older people have access to a range of good quality housing ... Population in Wales to develop practicable and deliverable proposals to inform the Welsh Government’s policy approach to housing an ageing population. The Group’s report addresses 5 key themes: understanding

  8. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Carers August 2019 Summary The Welsh Government defines a carer as “anyone of any age, who provides unpaid care and support to a relative, friend or neighbour ... distinguished from care workers who are paid to provide care. 3 Carers Wales, October 2017 Welsh Policy Forum – Policy Commission on Welsh Carers. Evidence submitted from Carers Wales https://www.carersuk.o

  9. Transport policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Transport January 2018 Summary Public and community transport are vitally important in helping older people to maintain independence and well-being. Such transport ... social contact. These are basic features of a decent life and ought to be a high priority in transport policy. Many older people rely on public transport, usually the bus, to get out and about. The free bus

  10. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Safeguarding older people June 2017 Summary All older people in Wales have the right to a life free from abuse. There are ‘few more basic human rights than that of being ... undertaken effectively by all key agencies. Other tools to protect adults from abuse include renewed policy, increased public awareness, training, and access to advocacy services. The Social Services and

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