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  1. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    Housing in later life Contents Introduction 2 Summary – key calls for action 3 Promoting independence with accessible and adaptable homes 7 Tackling poor conditions and delivering decent homes 13 Integrating ... is a charity that aims to improve later life for everyone through our information and advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research. In the UK we work closely with our partners Age Scotland

  2. Later Life Planning Booklet FINAL WEL.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Gwasanaeth Cynllunio i’r Dyfodol • Ysgrifennu Ewyllys • Atwrneiaeth Arhosol (LPA) • Penderfyniad Ymlaen Llaw (Ewyllys Fyw) Age Cymru yw’r elusen genedlaethol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Rydym yn ymgyrchu, yn gwneud gwaith ymchwil ac yn codi arian er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr ein bod yn adeiladu bywyd gwell i bob person hŷn. Rydym yn sicrhau bod lleisiau pobl hŷn yn cael eu

  3. Later Life Planning Booklet FINAL ENG.pdf

    age friendly Wales Later Life Planning Service • Will Writing • Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) • Advance Decision (Living Will) Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales. We campaign ... campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure we build a better life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change attitudes and we fight discrimination wherever

  4. Annuities

    Annuities offer an income in later life. When you approach retirement, will you cash in your pension pot or get a lifetime annuity? Get information about the options.

  5. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    Improving later life. Understanding the oldest old. Project editors: Dr Susan Davidson, Professor James Goodwin, and Phil Rossall Age UK works to improve later life for the 14 million older people in the UK ... those in later life in all its forms. We also speak for the long-term interests of every one of us, so that experiences of ageing grow better for each passing generation. Improving later life. Understanding

  6. RB_April15_Vulnerability_resilience_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    1 Improving later life. Vulnerability and resilience in older people. 2 Age UK works to improve later life for the 14 million older people in the UK. We do this by addressing health inequality, reducing ... isolation, improving retirement incomes and tackling poverty and discrimination against those in later life in all its forms. We also speak for the long-term interests of every one of us, so that experiences

  7. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_summary.pdf

    Agenda for Later Life 2015: A great place to grow older Executive summary Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support ... inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations. About Age UK 2 Introduction Dignity

  8. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    Agenda for Later Life 2015: A great place to grow older Contents Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support at a ... inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations. About Age UK Foreword 05 1 A great

  9. Leave a legacy

    Gifts in wills are vital to Age Cymru, and mean that years from now, people in later life will have someone to turn to if they’re feeling vulnerable, lonely and forgotten.

  10. RB_July11_Ageing_well_Improving_Later_Life_Book.pdf

    Improving later life. Age UK is the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged. With almost 120 years of combined history to draw on, we are bringing together our talents, services and solutions ... solutions to do more to enrich the lives of people in later life. We have brought together leading experts in the field to create this authoritative guide to ageing better. We are grateful to all the contributors

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