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  1. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.docx

    Policy Statement Information, advice and advocacyMay 2021Summary Good q uality information and advice is essential for older people. Factually accurate and impartial information and advice help us to ... to make informed decisions, plan ahead, access services and entitlements and contribute to society. Advocacy services are essential to ensure that every older person has a voice and receives the support

  2. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    Policy Statement Information, advice and advocacy March 2015 Summary Good quality information and advice is essential for older people. Relevant and appropriate information and advice helps us to ... to make informed decisions, plan ahead, access services and entitlements and contribute to society. Delivered effectively, it can help to promote the independence of older people, empowering them to make

  3. About the project

    Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant, will support the early identification of older carers to provide timely and person-centred information and advice.

  4. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.pdf

    Policy Statement Information, advice and advocacy May 2021 Summary Good quality information and advice is essential for older people. Factually accurate and impartial information and advice help us to ... to make informed decisions, plan ahead, access services and entitlements and contribute to society. Advocacy services are essential to ensure that every older person has a voice and receives the support

  5. Income and tax

    Information on income and tax for older people

  6. Free Wills Month

    Age UK and Age Cymru, along with other national charities, takes part in Free Wills Month, offering supporters the opportunity to have a will written or updated free of charge.

  7. Advance decisions (living wills)

    A living will lets you indicate what type of treatment you want, or refuse some types of medical treatment in certain situations, if you lack capacity to make or communicate your decisions at the time

  8. Health services

    Information for older people on finding and using health services.

  9. Legal advice

    Information about when and how to seek professional legal advice.

  10. Home & care

    Read our housing and care information and advice on topics such as care homes, housing benefit, home safety and security, home insurance and information for carers.

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