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  1. Advance decisions (living wills)

    A living will lets you indicate what type of treatment you want, or refuse some types of medical treatment in certain situations, if you lack capacity to make or communicate your decisions at the time

  2. NHS services in Wales and help with health costs

    people feel well all the time. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can get help when you’re ill, or if you just need advice about your health.

  3. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks_.pdf

    yourself Safe and Well Talking to eachother is the best thing we can do if falling over and doing ourselves harm is a worry. Don’t delay, talk today! Care & Repair Cymru CWTSH CUDDLE Helping School- Age ... About Falls Risks. Gramps: Thank you for caring about me, and yes, I don’t keep as active as I used to. If you help me keep active, I can keep myself strong and playing with you is great fun. You’re also

  4. No one should have no one - tackling loneliness

    Loneliness and isolation are a daily reality for many older people – 75,000 older people in Wales have reported ‘always or often’ feeling lonely. Age Cymru believes loneliness and isolation should be recognised ... recognised and treated as a public health priority.

  5. How to challenge a benefit decision

    Information about what procedures to take if you dispute the decision made about your benefits entitlement

  6. 17 Care home volunteer code of conduct (1).pdf

    1 Care Home Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide a code of conduct for care home volunteers of Age Cymru. It does not replace any information provided ... other volunteers including cooperation and equal opportunity, and a workplace free of discrimination and harassment • Respect for health and safety issues including the organisation’s policy on alcohol

  7. RB_2012_Falls_prevention_Dont_Mention_the_F_Word.pdf

    DONT MENTION THE F-WORD Advice to practitioners on communicating falls prevention messages to older people Falling in older age can lead to increased anxiety and depression, reduced activity, mobility ... are many different interventions that can reduce the risk of falls, communicating these messages in a way that’s acceptable to older people can prove challenging. This briefing summarises the findings from

  8. Wales advocacy surveys

    including those living in care homes, have seen their human rights breached and their access to advocacy, health and social care suspended during the pandemic, finds a survey of 72 professional advocates

  9. What do you think about the response to Covid-19 in Wales - what impact did the pandemic have on you?

    What do you think about the response to Covid-19 in Wales - what impact did the pandemic have on you?

  10. IL1.pdf

    AgeUKIL1 How to stay safe when it’s hot. Staying cool in a heatwave. 2 High temperatures and humidity can present a risk to our health – especially as we get older. Here are some helpful tips on how ... exercising during the hottest part of the day (between 11 a m and 3pm). Try and keep in the shade when you can. • Wear a sun hat and carry a bottle of water with you. • Light-coloured, lightweight cotton

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